Phase 2

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        First day of school ---

        Blue hair and eyes of Angelos; Pink hair and eyes of Daemons; Green hair and eyes of Faeries; Orange hair and eyes of Magus. The campus was filled with colours so magical. Through the hustle bustle of the school's opening ceremony, Amethyst stuck out like a sore thumb because of her unique hair colour --- purple.

        Sitting on her designated seat in the magnificent school hall, alongside with dozens of empty seats that were supposedly filled, she felt her excitement plummet. She could only focus on the speeches given by the teachers, knowing that so many potential friends slipped by her fingertips.

        Amethyst was invited to have her speech on the stage as an honour student. She felt funny giving her speech grandiosely in front of so few people she see. She then made herself comfortable and confessed about her condition.

        "I am so sorry that I seem to ignore most of you. Please forgive me for not looking into your eyes that I cannot know the colour of."

        Thinking to herself that talking isn't the only way to communicate, she was hoping someone would catch the underlying meaning behind her words.

        With the responses she cant hear, she stepped down the stage and anticipated her lessons.

        Fortunately, upon hearing her special condition, the teachers came up with a solution --- an anti-magic microphone. Though there was no way to project the whole being for Amethyst yet, for the first time, Amethyst gets to hear the voices of the mysterious invisible beings. She was so fascinated. To think that a magical world she heard from her mother was real. She thought to herself the world isn't everything you see.

        Seeing voices coming out of thin air, Amethyst was unable to concentrate through the thumping of her heart. She got used to it after awhile though, thinking that this was her chance to interact with something she couldn't all along.


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