Volume 5: The Beginning of the End...

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Our fireteam went out on a split mission on Mars together after our little party. It was fun, to say the least, but I didn't know that today marked the beginning of the end... and of something terrible.

You see, I was heading out with my team of 4: Ruby, Yang, Nora and me, when all of a sudden, Ghost said something pretty bad after we completed a patrol.

Ghost: That should be good for the Vangaurd. I'll send our results to-... wait, what?

Ruby heard him talk about it, and made the first words.

Ruby: What's wrong, Ghost?

Ghost: Something's wrong... no one's responded to our patrol completions. In fact, none of them have even been sent through.

He was right... something was wrong.

Me: That's peculiar... let's call it a day and make sure they're alright. It could just be them having communication troubles. Radio the rest of the teams.

He put the teams on the call.

Me: All Harem teams, radio check.

The first team responded. Salem, Blake, Weiss, and Ren.

Salem: Harem 2, we hear you.

Then the second. Roman, Neo, Cinder and Velvet.

Roman: Harem 3, radio check.

Then the final team: Jaune, Penny, Pyrrha and Sun.

Jaune: Harem 4. Loud and clear, Harem 1.

Me: How bout we call it a day today? Something peculiar happened and I want to make sure the Tower's alright... they haven't responded to any of our patrol beacons and they aren't going through.

All the team's got a little confused before they agreed to go home. I sent out my ghost to take my team to orbit.

Soon enough, we were all in our four ships in Mars orbit, then we all went hyperspeed to Earth.

Ghost: I'm not getting anything from the Tower at all... wait... oh no.

Me: Ghost? Talk to me.

Ghost: We have a very high amount of Cabal signatures at the Tower! The Tower is under attack!

Ruby: Oh no!!

I get a little worried, though we had a good bit of Gaurdians at the Tower. Why would the Cabal invade the tower?

Me: Tell all our ships to activate their shields and make sure our stuff doesn't get destroyed, okay?

Ghost: Right.

I hear the shield go up and watch the others go up too, then we arrive at the Tower... and like he said, it looked really bad from here... we landed in a hidden part of the Tower and got ready.

Me: Alright... this is gonna suck, everyone.

Jaune: You think? That's a lot of enemies out there...

Nora: Well... as long as I get to break some of their legs for trying to mess with us, I'll be fine.

Neo nods a little while spinning around her parasol. Roman made sure his Last Word was reloaded, I did the same with my own pistol. Salem also had her own Hand Cannon, Thorn. Everyone else was geared up and ready to fight, taking some worry off me.

Me: Alright. Ready then?

The fireteam nods and I smile, pulling out my Khvostov.

Me: Well, let's do it then!

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