A New Job

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I was summoned over to the headmaster's office today for reasons that are completely unknown to me. I'll be figuring them out shortly. Hopefully, this isn't about me being taken out of the tournament. I pressed the buzzer on the elevator panel

Oz: Come in!

I walk in.

Oz: Ah... Y/N... good to see you.

Me: Likewise, Professor... I see that Goodwitch has joined us too.

Glynda: It's good to see you, Y/N. Listen, we have a job for you during this tournament.

Me: Please don't tell me that I'm being removed from it.

Oz: No. You're still in the tournament... we just have another job for you and another person during it since there's been rising suspicions of some of Salem's cronies being here.

Me: Who's this person I'm working with?

Oz: Have your Ghost look for the name Ironwood in our databases.

Me: Ghost, you know what to do.

Ghost: Searching... done. General Ironwood is the main commander of the Atlesian army. He has a lot of fighting experience and know a lot of military tactics. He's like you in a way, Y/N... except he doesn't have your powers.

Me: Great... good to know.

Ozpin: He appears to be arriving here with his students... take a look outside.

I look outside to see more than enough ships to account for a small army.

Me: That's a lot of bullheads.

Oz: He likes to come in announced.

Me: Some tactician.

Oz: Well... running an academy and an army makes him a busy man... but I will admit it is a giant eyesore.

A bit of beeping is heard from Oz's desk. Probably the buzzer from the elevator.

Oz: Come in!

Someone comes in... I am presuming this is Ironwood.

Ironwood: Ozpin!

Oz: Hello General.

Ironwood: Please... drop the formalities... it's been too long. And Glynda, it's certainly been too long since we first meet.

Glynda gets an annoyed look.

Glynda: Oh James... I'll be outside.

She then walks out.

Me: Jeez... what's up with her and you?

Ironwood turns to look at me.

Ironwood: I take it that you are my partner in protecting the area during the Tournament?

Me: Yes.  My name is Y/N... that's all I'll need you to call me by.

Ironwood: Do you have any military experience?

I get slightly annoyed and I flash my armor onto my body.

Me: Like this for instance?

Ironwood gets surprised by my armor appearing on my body.

Ironwood: WHOA! What about weapons? I'm still on the fence.

I make a throwing knife and Khvostov appear, then made all of my main weapons that I use float around me.

Me: You were saying?

Ironwood: Ok... I'm now deeply afraid of what you'll do to me with those weapons... remind me to stay off your bad side.

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