What an eventful night.

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(Y/N/3rd POV of course)

Me (to no one in particular): Well, those patrol beacons were easy enough.

Y/N had just completed about 10-15 patrol requests on Earth's Moon only because he felt like he wanted to. There really wasn't any reason for this, Y/N just felt like being generous to the Vanguard today.

Ghost: I guess you could say that... the Vanguard will appreciate the work you put in today, Y/N.

Me: Please, little light. It was nothing. I just felt generous and I was bored, plus you told me that there were a few things that the Vanguard wanted me to do. I was just doing my job and my part.

Ghost: Do you want to go back to orbit now?

Me: Please. Let's get the hell outta here.

Ghost: Transmating you onto the ship now.

You were then teleported off of the surface of the Moon and into his ship, the Hildian Seeker.

You were then teleported off of the surface of the Moon and into his ship, the Hildian Seeker

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Ghost: Where would you like to g- Wait... Guardian! I'm getting signatures of a massive pulling force on this ship! You might wanna hold onto something!

Just then, the ship started getting pulled too fast for the thrusters on it to counteract the force of the movement. Luckily, Y/N was strapped into his seat when this started happening, but it was still a bumpy ride nonetheless.

Me: Ghost, what the hell is going on right now?! Is there like a black hole or something nearby this ship?

Ghost: That's exactly what's out there right now, or maybe not. But it's definitely some sort of massive pulling force that making this ship unable to pull out of it... even with the massive thrusters.

Me: Great... JUST GREAT! If this is how the Traveler wanted me to die, then so be it.

The Hildian Seeker is then pulled into this black hole... thing. And Y/N was taken out of the Moon's orbit.

*several minutes later... after a large amount of screaming and a crash that killed Y/N but yet miraculously, left the ship intact*

Our Guardian crashed in a forest that had nothing but plants for a little bit around.

Ghost (while rezzing Y/N): Where are we?

You were immediately put back on your feet after Ghost resurrected him.

Me: I seriously don't know. Is this place in the Vanguard databases?

Ghost: No... this planet/area doesn't exist in the Vanguard databases.

Me: Good to know. Well, we won't get anywhere if we don't get moving. Get in my head for now, just in case we find a civilization here.

Ghost then disappears out of view and into Y/N's head while he was walking to the northeast for a while. About maybe 15 minutes or so later, he decided to get a view of his surroundings.

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