Chapter 43 | finally home •

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"So, how are things in Mumbai?" Heer heard her mother say after she had settled comfortably on the rural cot after they had placed their orders. The restaurant was set up with a village theme. After their tour the markets they were both extremely hungry and the restaurant seemed just 

"Good. We stay in a flat. The apartment is nice. There's a badminton court, and me and Advika go there almost every day." So on and so forth Heer went on talking about her life while they waited for their order to arrive. Her mother heard her put with a smile on her face.

"I am glad that you are happy!" Her mother said when Heer finally ran out of words.

Heer smiled, realizing that she may have spoken too much.

"So, have you told Kabir about... " her mother hesitated, meeting Heer's gaze.

"Yes, I have." Heer answered, focusing on the plate full of food that had arrived. Her face lit up as her gaze feel on the pulses, specifically Daal Muradabadi. In that moment, she wished Kabir was with her. She quickly took a snapahot of her plate and sent it to him.

"What are you doing?" Her mother asked curiously. "Even you are in that instagram app?"

"Maa, I am sending the picture to Kabir on WhatsApp. And, I dont have an instagram handle." Heer spoke her eyes glued to her screen reading the reply from her husband - you're feasting on Daal Muradabadi while I am looking at monkeys fight for bananas.

Heer smiled broadly typing, "you should be careful then ;)"

"Spare my decent phone!" Came his swift reply. 

She quickly responded, "I meant that they might be hostile against you, thinking you're trying to take their food away, nothing indecent. Wait, what did you understand?" She bit on her lower lip smiling. 

"Miss Pooh the wink said it all." Came his reply.

"Heer," she heard her mom say and looked up. "Try that paneer tikka it's very good."

"Bye, see you later, panner tikka calls for attention!" She typed following it with a kissing heart emoji.

"And, she is in a feast-y mode! Until later." Heer smiled glancing at his reply while devouring the peace of paneer tikka. It felt so good to be madly in love.

* * *

It was past six and the violet skies were turning black already. Kabir paced in his living room. Every minute seemed to have been stretched into a crawling hour. He felt utterly helpless at the moment. He had been trying to call Heer since the past forty minutes. The call constantly kept repeating switched off. He had also tried her mother's phone, which also repeated the same voice message- switched off. Worry had now tightly wrapped it's arms around his shoulders while fear burdened his back. Where was she? Was she okay? Why was her phone switched off? He just hoped she wasn't in trouble. 

"She will be back, Kabir. Her phone's battery might have died." Came his mother voice. He didn't respond. He silently sat on the sofa while his mother disappeared into the kitchen. 

A strong deja vu seemed to be hitting him. She's okay. She will come back. He kept looping those words in his head trying to cut off the negative thoughts. Impatiently he tried calling her phone again. Same response. He looked up and the small pooja room they had in their home came to his view. He didn't even recollect when was he last time he had earnestly prayed. He look at the idol of lord Ganesha begging him to bring back Heer. He didn't want to lose her.

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