Chapter 21 | fuzzy feelings

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"You have stamina issues!"

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The door opened and Heer was greeted by a cheerful father-daughter duo. She quickly hugged Advi, kneeling down.

"How wa ls your first day?" Advika asked.

"It was fantastic," Heer replied kissing her cheek while Kabir looked on smiling. Heer walked in past Advika when the two issues a warning in unison, "Mom, sandals!"

Heer huffed turning around to quickly get rid of her sandals and dashed to the washroom to wash her hands. She came back with a smile on her face, looking at Kabir and then Advika. "Guess who I met?"

"Shah Rukh Khan?" Kabir asked arching his brow.

"Yeah right!" Heer rolled her eyes. "No guesses?"

Advika shook he read in a negative. 

"Dev uncle!" 

"Who is Dev uncle?" Kabir asked puzzled.

"Aadi's Chaachu, Paa."

"The one who plays badminton with you guys?" Kabir asked looking at Advika.

"Yes!" Heer and Advika answered in unison.

"Okay, so ?" Kabir asked turning to Heer.

"So? Normal people get excited about coincidences like that. I didn't even know he was a runner up of Mr. India contest or that he was into modeling and acting." Heer informed.

"Okay," Kabir drawled. Mr. India like seriously?

"So he plays the role of Manan." Heer spoke while Advika made a beeline for the kitchen to get Heer some water.

"Who is that now?"

"Laasya's love interest." Heer informed.

"Oh!" Kabir somewhat didn't like Heer's excitement anymore. She was excited because a former runner up of Mr. India contest was playing her character's love interest. 

"And about the contract, Raghav spoke to the producer and here he has given the revised contract."

Kabir took it from her and flipped through while Advika came back with a glass of water. Advika and Heer spoke about school and other stuff while Kabir went through the contract.

"What are the timings?" Kabir asked looking up, when Advika went back to the room to finish her homework.

"Morning eight to evening seven, mostly. But they would vary depending on the schedule for the day. This and next week is individual scenes and practice of the dance routines. I have a feeling, it's going to be crazy hectic."

"Sounds like it!" Kabir replied handing her the contract.

Heer met his eyes, "I will make it through it, right?"

"Well, if you manage to wake up early, sure!" Kabir spoke with a hint of smile.

Heer stared at him with eyes reduced to narrow slits. "Why are you mocking me?"

Kabir got up from the sofa, "I am not!" His lips twitched up on one side to form a smirk as he walked towards the kitchen. 

Heer followed him, "You were. Anyway, from tomorrow I want to get up early. I could knock down a few kilos too. So I want you to wake me up at six,"

"Heer, don't joke!" Kabir teased.

"Hey, I mean it!" She folded her arms and leaned her back against the counter. Kabir's eyes landed on her face. His gaze momentarily focusing on her lips. He had an urge to lean to the side slightly and peck them. 

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