Chapter 37 | bad timing

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"You like me now, so I am not as grumpy as before."

• ♡ •

Heer was enjoying the party to the fullest. Maybe it was because she had Kabir by her at all times. Kabir spoke very less, but remained by her side. He had partcipated in conversations with Raghav, Dev and Shalini. Heer had suggested that they sit somewhere at the side of the huge hall to avoid more conversations as they ate. However, Dev and Shalini had spotted them and joined them at the table.

"Where's Advi?" Dev asked as he settled on the chair that was beside Heer's. 

"She's at home," Heer replied glancing at Kabir. Even though he did maintain a very normal conversation with Dev, Heer could sense his reluctance from his eyes. Somewhere she felt it endearing - Kabir was possessive about her. 

"What about you two?" Heer asked glancing at Shalini.

Dev cleared his throat, "Guys meet Shalini my girlfriend!"

"So finally official?" Heer quizzed with a smile.

Shalini smiled, "He wouldn't settle for less!" She winked at Heer.

"Congratulations to you two," Kabir exclaimed raising his glass of diet coke. 

"How about a champagne?" Shalini asked looking around at everyone for approval.

"Some other time," Heer refused. 

"Come on, little won't hurt!" Shalini tried to persuade.

Heer nodded in a negative, smiling. Soon the conversation drifted to what was the best on the menu and suddenly the only people having a full fled conversation station were Shalini and Kabir. Heer glanced at Kabir who was passionately explaining about some star restuarant desserts. Shalini was listening with equal enthusiasm. Heer simply smiled listening to their talks, her finger fiddling with the edge of her hand purse. 

• • •

"I have never heard you talk so much in a day," Heer spoke her thoughts aloud as they drove out of the venue. 

"I wasn't even talking. It was you." Kabir spoke taken aback by her statement.

"Really? Who was talking about the cranberry ice cream, white wine in cooking, fried fish chips, and pistachio pies and ... the rest?"

Kabir glanced at her. "Yeah, that was it."

Heer smiled, "that's the most I have heard you talk... to a stranger."

"Shalini and Dev are strangers...?" He asked perplexed.

Heer looked at him with confused eyes. "No, but you don't usually talk to people...that much."

"Really?" He asked cocking up a brow.

"Really," Heer confirmed earnestly.

Kabir nodded thoughtfully and then spoke a few seconds later, "maybe you just noticed today."

Heer stared at the road ahead lost in thoughts, "maybe." 

The drive didn't last long as there was minimal traffic, one of the perks of driving after eleven at night. They entered the elevator of their apartment block. His eyes finally resting on her, as he leaned back against the metallic wall of the elevator. Her eyes met his chocolate brown ones. A sense of calm filling the air between them. The elevator doors opened shortly after the brief ding sound rang. 

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