Chapter 23 | expressing emotions

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 "She's my daughter, isn't she?"

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"Papa, you said you'll give me the gift after everyone leaves!" Advika reminded her father a few minutes after everyone had left. 

"Yes, I did," Kabir smiled, "Close your eyes and wait till I get it." Kabir spoke walking towards Advika's room. Heer sat beside Advika looking on curiously. She had a nice time at the party but was now very exhausted.

Kabir walked out and presented Advika with a big box. Heer was as curious as Advika to know what was inside it. The two had their jaws dropping as they pulled out a gown. 

"You got her Belle's gown!" Heer exclaimed in sheer surprise looking at the yellow gown. 

"Oh my God, it is so pretty!" Adviak gushed touching the fabric. "Can I try it on?"

"Not now sweetie, you can try it on after bath tomorrow." Heer told her and then kissed her cheek, wrapping her arms around her. 

Advika agreed, "Thank you, Paa!" She leaned forward and kissed his cheek. 

Kabir smiled while Advika turned to Heer. "Gift?"

"I just gave you a kiss! That's your gift." Heer grinned while Advika frowned.



"Mom," Advika whined looking at Heer with hopeful eyes.

Heer chuckled, "Okay, close your eyes!" 

Advika happily closed her eyes. Heer pulled out the box from behind her that she had kept ready. She opened it and took out the locket. It was Kabir's turn to be surprised. He saw the sign of one of the best jewellers in the country. He looked on as Heer slipped the silver chain around his daughter's neck. His eyes drifted up to her smile. "Open," she whispered.

Advika opened her eyes her hands immediately flying to her neck. "Oh, mom, this is so pretty."

"You like it?" Heer asked.

"Love it, I will wear it all the time."

"No sweetie, not to school. But you can wear it when we go out." Heer told her.

Advika smiled looking at the locket. A star shape with a small A carved on it. 

"Is there a meaning behind this locket?" Advika asked Heer.

Heer grinned, "Yes, it means be your own star!" 

Advika smiled widely and shifted close to Kabir, "Paa, does it look good?"

Kabir's gaze landed on the locket. It was a very elegant and small piece, absolutely aesthetic. "It's very pretty!" He said.

Advika smiled widely, turning back to hug Heer. Heer wrapped her arms around Advika as she landed on her. Her eyes met Kabir's. Thank you, he mouthed and a slow smile grew on Heer's face.

Advika had already eaten a lot of snacks to have any place for dinner. Kabir tucked her into bed while Heer put her new gifts in her room. They both made it to the kitchen later to have a little dinner.

"Heer, you didn't have to gift her something so expensive," Kabir spoke up once theys had settled beside each other on the kitchen stools.

Heer managed to pull her lips into a smile, "She's my daughter, isn't she?" She asked, looking into his eyes. "Kabir, I know a part of you feels I am.."

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