"It's me, Lady Madeline." Imogen's voice drifted from behind the door.

I sighed, "Come in."

Imogen gasped as soon as she saw me, her eyes widening. "Madeline...what did you do?"

I shrugged, "I've obviously been a very bad girl."

"Your neck...," Imogen trailed off.

I practically ran to the mirror in my room and low and behold, was a purplish bruise where Amancio had strangled me. There were also bruises forming on my wrists from the handcuffs.

"Did Brutus do this to you?" Imogen demanded.

I scoffed, "Try your lord and saviour, King Amancio."

Imogen was speechless. She stared at my bruises, her mouth opening and closing repeatedly. "Amancio...did that to you?"

I rolled my eyes, settling on my dressing table chair. "What do you want Imogen?"

"...I came to inform you about your dinner with the King today," She looked uncomfortable.

I shook my head, chuckling sadistically. Just when I thought things couldn't get worse. How could I possibly get through dinner with Amancio without ripping his head off?

"I'm sorry, Madeline," Imogen apologised, for the first time since everything happened.

I let out a breath, pointedly ignoring her apology. I wasn't ready to forgive her or go back to being friends with her just yet.

My stomach grumbled, due to the lack of food in my system.

Imogen nodded, "I'll get you some lunch."

I fell back against my bed as Imogen left the room. I had never felt such hopelessness before. I hadn't seen Carlos, or my family, or any friendly face in weeks. I felt cornered, surrounded by enemies. My biggest fear was coming to reality, the realisation that I would probably never escape.


Imogen took off my handcuffs just so I could get dressed, placing a sparkly grey dinner dress on my bed.

I let out a breath of relief as soon as they were gone. My bruises were worse than I thought, they were purple but had a hint of red in them. It hurt to even move my wrists. But I didn't care. I wanted Amancio to see it as I went to dinner. I wanted him to see how much he was hurting me.

I pulled my robe against my body as Imogen got to my makeup. She was about to cover up the bruises on my neck with powder but I raised a hand, stopping her.

"No, Amancio did this. He deserves to see what he did," I said, quietly.

Once Imogen was done with my makeup, she picked up my dress- before a knock on the door interrupted us.

"Who's there?" Imogen called.

"You're needed in the laundry room, Imogen," A female voice replied.

Imogen sighed. "I probably should see to that. Will you be fine on your own?"

I sighed, shaking my head. "I can wear a dress without your assistance, Imogen."

Imogen looked like she wanted to say more before nodding awkwardly and leaving the room.

Alone at last.

But not for long.

I let out another breath, a habit that was becoming alarmingly common. I got up from my dressing table chair and picked up my dress. I had to admit, it was beautiful. My mind immediately went to Fiona, I imagined what she would look like in the dress and tears pooled in my eyes. I blinked them away quickly before I started to pull off my robe.

"My, my, Princess," A voice startled me.

Faster than the speed of lightning I pulled my robe back on and wrapped it around my frame tightly. I turned to see Brutus.

"What are you doing here, you bastard?" I seethed, my chest heaving. The fact that he managed to creep into my room without me noticing. The fact that he watched me...

"After your little stunt, I've been ordered to supervise you...constantly," Brutus' lips pulled up in a smirk, his eyes glinting mischievously.

"Amancio will hear of this...and you will pay," I snarled.

"Doesn't the bruise on your neck prove it? Amancio doesn't care about you. You're just a pawn in his game. You're stupid into thinking you can turn him soft," Brutus spat.

My chest heaved, as I suddenly felt consumed with anger. "Get out! Get out!"

 "Get out! Get out!"

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Hey y'all!

It's been a while I can say but thankfully, I have a week without school- which is absolutely amazing. I'll use this week to study, rest and write. I hope to write a lot and finish planning this book altogether.

I wanted to say, Brutus' actions in this chapter are unacceptable, so please don't watch anyone while they're undressing <3.

With all that said and done, see you in a few days with lots more chapters xoxo.

Don't forget to add to your library, vote, share and comment what you think will happen next.

Stay safe!


The Consequence: Sequel to The ChoiceWhere stories live. Discover now