Chapter 18

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PJ left another voicemail on Rod's phone, "Rod, where you at? I need Kenny's address, I'm about to murk his ass."

He hung up shaking his head just as a woman came out of the club in a skimpy outfit.

"Hey sexy, what you doing out here by yourself?" She asked grabbing his attention.

He turned around, "Depends, what you got going on?" He asked checking her out.

She bit her lip, "Come inside and find out."

"I guess I can spare a few minutes."

"Just a few?"

"You wanna play? Guess I'll teach ya fine ass a lesson." He chuckled throwing his arms over her shoulders as they walked back into the club.

Across the street, Kenny watched PJ walk off with the woman he paid and got out of his car. He snuck over to PJ's truck without being noticed. He opened the passenger seat door and stuck the gun that killed Darnell under the seat. He sprinkled a few more things around the car before heading back to his own car.


The next morning, Toni woke up laying on Kenny's chest. She could've sworn he left in the middle of the night but maybe it was just a dream. His eyes opened and he smiled at her.

"Good morning." He said.

"Good morning." She replied sitting up as she covered herself with a blanket.

"What time is it?" He asked prompting her to grab her new phone off the table.

"A quarter til 10." She read before she thought of something, "Josiah will be up soon, I should get started on breakfast."

She grabbed his shirt putting it on as she got up. He bit his lip watching her run off to the bathroom first.

He was just about ready to blow the whistle on PJ but he had to wait. First he had to see how much Toni knew. She returned from the bathroom heading into the kitchen as he got up.

"I hate to bring the mood down after last night, but there's something that's been heavy on my mind." He said watching her look through the cabinets for ingredients.

"What?" She asked.

"What's going on with Darnell's case? Did the police find out who killed him?"

She sighed, "No. Honestly, I don't think their trying to find out." She said turning to face him.

"It's weird. I would've thought the guys would have found out at least." He said shaking his head. He leaned on the the counter, "Almost makes me wonder..."

"Wonder what?"

"Come on. Darnell, Trey, who knows who else. What if it's someone on the inside?" He said planting a seed.

Before she could answer Josiah stumbled in rubbing eyes.

"Mommy." He said groggily.

"Good morning angel." She said picking him up, "Are you hungry?" She asked. He lifted his head from her shoulder and nodded.

She chuckled putting him down before getting eggs out of the fridge.

"Morning Ken." Josiah said.

"Good morning buddy. You wanna watch cartoons?"

Josiah nodded again before the two of them took off. Toni shook her head at them. Her smile faded as Kenny's question crept back into her head. Could Darnell have been killed by someone he thought was his friend?


PJ waited on the front porch pacing back and forth. From what he heard, Rod had left town. Something wasn't right about that and he was sure Kenny had something to do with it. The door opened and he barged in.

"Where is she?" He asked.

Zhané grimaced, "I don't know, but you can't just burst in my house if I didn't invite you in!"

PJ turned to her, "You two talk everyday and she never mentioned it?"

"Why does it matter to you? She doesn't want your chubby, dumb, pigeon-toed ass."

"Zhané this is serious!"

She examined him. He looked stressed so she obliged with caution.

"The last time I spoke to her she didn't say where she was. She didn't sound like she was in any trouble either." She said vaguely.

PJ shook his head, "She may be with guy that killed D."

She shook her head, "Nah, she wouldn't do that."

"Do what?"

"Sleep with the guy that killed-" Zhané stopped realizing she had been tricked. She had to stop drinking before noon.

"I'm not the only dumb one here." He said mockingly

"Shut the fuck up. Get out of my house!"

"If you talk to her you need to warn her."

With that, he left. She shook her head. Toni's smart, and she would definitely tell her best friend if she were in trouble. If anything, she sounded happy. PJ was just causing trouble as always.


"Breakfast is ready." Toni announced.

"Yay!" Kenny and Josiah cheered making her laugh.

They all sat at the table and dug in. Josiah stuffed his face with scrambled eggs as Kenny watched Toni pick at her food.

"Are you alright?" He asked her.

She shrugged, "I don't know."

"Look I didn't mean to scare you or anything-"

"No. I've just been thinking. What if it was someone on the inside? What if you're right? I don't know what's going on, Darnell's mom is the one who's been following the case."

"Maybe you should talk to her."

She shook her head, "I can't. She wants absolutely nothing to do with me. She still blames me for what happened. I just have to wait and see who gets arrested."

He frowned, "That sounds nerve- wrecking."

"It is and it hurts. I want justice for him too you know?" She said as a tear slipped down her cheek.

Josiah gasped, "No cry mommy." He said with his voice filled with concern.

She smiled at him, "I'm okay." She told him wiping her cheek.

"I think I know someone that can look into it for us." Kenny said pulling out his phone. He let Melissa know the plan was a go. Now he just had to sit back and watch.

A couple more chapters🤗

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