Chapter 5

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Kenny walked up to the guys who were surrounding the man in the chair. Some of them were in shock, others were ready to kill the guy for for lying.

"What's up?" Kenny said.

"We got some interesting accusations." Trey said before getting a glare from PJ for speaking out of turn.

Kenny frowned, "What?"

PJ pointed at the guy, "This dude says that you killed Darnell. Now we all know you're incapable of pulling any type of trigger, but let us know. If he's lying, we'll unleash all these bullets in his ass."

Kenny heart began to race as he looked from PJ to the guys to the guns in their hands. Finally, he looked at his accuser. How did he know? It didn't matter, he couldn't let anyone find out.

"He's lying."

"Man you know you did it!" The guy yelled making PJ frown.

"Yeah you know."

Kenny shook off the voice as he turned to his friend, "Do what you gotta do P."

"Actually bro, since you never get to do shit besides count money...I'm gonna let you take the first shot." PJ said glaring at the man.

"Oh really?"


"Cool." Kenny said taking the gun and aiming it at the man.


"AAHH! FUCK!" The man yelled bleeding from his knee.

"I'll see you later." Kenny said handing the gun back to PJ.

He walked out hearing a roar of gunshots as the crew emptied their clips into his accuser.


Toni opened the door after hearing a knock. She frowned seeing Kenny on the front porch.

"Hey." He said pushing out a smile.

"What are you doing here?"

"I'm still suppose to look out for you. Look, about the last night, I wasn't trying to get with you or-"

She sighed,"No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have blown up like that. I'm just not really processing this well."

"So, we're good?" He asked.

"Yeah." She answered opening the door wider for him to enter. Closing it, "I thought I had ran you off."

"Never." He said sincerely.

She slowly nodded admiring his persistence. Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

"I wonder who could that be?" She said with a frown. Opening the door, "Hi, can I help you?" She asked the woman with a baby on her hip.

"I'm Felicia, Darnell's baby mama." Kenny heard making his eyes widened as he immediately went to the door.

Toni frowned, "Excuse me?"

Before Felicia could answer Kenny stepped in the doorway.

"You're back?" He asked completely annoyed.

Felicia flipped her hair, "Just like I said I'd be."

Toni looked at Kenny, "You know this trick?"

"Who you calling a trick?" Felicia asked with raised eyebrows.


Kenny stepped between the two, "Hey stop. Felicia, now is not the time."

"Shut up, don't nobody take yo ass serious. I just need you to make sure me and my baby get my money."

Toni scoffed, "Bitch the only thing you can get is the hell off my porch before you get this foot up your ass!"

"Bye Felicia." Kenny said quickly closing the door in the cursing woman's face.

Toni began pacing as Kenny turned to her.

"Toni-" he managed to get out before she put her hand up silencing him. She walked away as he sighed.

After she had been in her room for half an hour, he decided to check on her. He stood in the doorway and knocked on the open door getting her attention.

"Hey. You okay?" He asked as she stood up wiping her eyes.

"Not really." She said.

"Look Felicia has slept with everyone. That's probably not even his..." he trailed off as she sat some pictures in the bed. He frowned,"Why do you have a picture of Felicia's baby?"

"That's Darnell."

"Oh my...shit." He said looking at the photo as he sat down. Felicia's little girl was a spitting image of Darnell.

She started pacing, "I can't believe he would...After everything I've done for him! I've been everything he ever needed. I did everything he asked even when I didn't want to. Why would he do this to me?"

"Hey, it's okay." He said grabbing her hand making her sit down on the bed.

"No it's not. Everything I know about our marriage is a lie. What did I do wrong?"

"I'm sure you did everything right."

"He was never satisfied, that's when he brought Meredith around.  You know, I knew something was up but I trusted him. I knew he would never cheat...he swore he wouldn't. Now he's had a child with some hoe? Was I not enough?" She said as tears ran down her face.

"You're beautiful, and regardless of what's happened to him deserved better. Anyone who makes you question whether you're enough doesn't deserve you."

She shook her head, "I wish I believed that. I'm not sure what to think and I'll never know because he's gone."

"He doesn't have to be here for you to believe that. It starts with you." He said wiping her tears.

He didn't plan on being this attentive or playing Dr. Phil, but something in him just needed her to feel better. She looked down at their joined hands and pulled away.

"Thanks Kenny. You're a good friend." She said.

"It's the least I can do." He replied feeling his guilt resurface.

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