Chapter 1

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Smoke rose from the curling iron as Toni curled her friend Zhané's hair. She ran her fingers through the spiral curl to give it a looser look.

"I can't wait til this wedding is over and done with. Can you believe the tacky ass dress she's making me wear?" Zhané complained going through her cellphone.

Toni chuckled, "It can't be that bad..." She trailed off as Zhané showed her a picture of skimpy dress. She winced, "Okay maybe it is."

Zhané pinched the bridge of her nose as Toni laughed. Her friend was always so dramatic. Soon tiny footsteps filled the room.

"Mommy!" The little boy squealed coming to show her his new toy.

"Hey!" She said before turning her attention back to Zhané's last curl.

"He's so cute." Zhané said.

"Thanks. Okay you're all set."

Zhané stared at herself in the handheld mirror. She smiled, "Thanks girl."

"You're getting so big my sweet angel." Toni said picking her son up, "How old are you turning?" She asked him feeling anxious about his birthday tomorrow. She wasn't ready for him to grow up.

Josiah stared at his hand in deep concentration before holding up two fingers.

Toni chuckled, "That's right."

Suddenly Darnell's friend PJ came in as if he owned the place. Ignoring his refusal to knock, Toni pushed out a smile.

"Hey P, what's up?"

"Is Darnell here?" He asked.

"No, I was just about to call you and ask where he is." She stated.

He frowned in deep thoughtful before his eyes landed on the girl checking herself out in the mirror.

Catching his stares, "Hey PJ." Zhané said in annoyance.


Toni shook her head, "You two are something else."

"He gets on my nerves." Zhané voiced handing Toni the mirror.

PJ scoffed, "I can't stand her Aaliyah lookin' ass."

Zhané flipped her curls hitting him in the face as she walked by, "Whatever. Bye girl." She said.

"Bye, tell Quincy I said hi." Toni said as she walked out of the door. Toni turned to PJ, "So...Darnell?"

"I haven't seen him since yesterday. He said he was handling business and he'd meet me at 5."

Toni frowned looking at her watch,"Well it's 7 now."

"Yeah and I haven't heard from him." PJ said as she put Josiah down. PJ held out his hand, "You and little man good?" He asked her awaiting a hi-five from the toddler. He smiled getting a hard slap on the hand.

"Yep, just waiting on his daddy to get here with his birthday present, right Josiah?"

The little boy beamed up at his mother. He didn't understand her excitement but he matched it anyway.

Dilemma Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ