Chapter 7

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"Hey do you think you can cover Meredith and Josiah tonight? I have to take Toni" Kenny asked Rod as they sat outside the house.

"Yeah." Rod said taking another pull from the blunt.

"Cool, and umm don't tell PJ." He said.

Rod frowned in confusion but nodded anyway.


"So where are you going this late?" Meredith asked Toni who was zipping up her jacket.

"To see my parents. You mind watching Josiah for me?" Toni asked.

"Sure. Good luck with your folks." Meredith said sitting the boy in her lap.

"Thanks." Toni said seeing Kenny's  car pull up from the window. She grabbed her purse before quickly walking out of the door.


Kenny checked his eyes in the mirror making sure they weren't showing the obvious. He wasn't completely high but did smoke a little something in order to avoid his ghost.

Toni opened the door and hopped in the passenger seat. She wasn't sure why she was so anxious. Maybe it was finally hanging out with someone who wasn't a toddler.

"Hey. You look umm..." He trailed off examining the blue baggy sweatsuit.

"I had to put this on to get past Meredith. One sec..." She said unzipping the jacket revealing the top of her short black bodycon dress. Throwing it in the backseat, she pulled her bottoms down. Kenny's eyes travelled as her dress rose up her thigh as she struggled to pull off the pants.

Catching his stares, "Eyes on the road." She chuckled making him look away quickly

"Right." He said driving out of the neighborhood.

"There we go." She said throwing her pants in the back seat. She looked around, "Nice ride."


"I guess college does pay off."

He shook his head, "Nah, just my father's insurance policy."

"Oh, I'm sorry for your loss." She said.

"I didn't know him enough to consider it a loss." He replied with a shrug.

"So it was just you and your mom?"

"Yup, she's my rock." He said making her smile. She hoped Josiah loved her like that once he was older. He glanced at her, "So tell me about you, like who were you before Darnell?"

She shrugged, "I've always been the same. I did everything my parents told me. They were in the church heavy so hanging out with guys like Darnell was practically forbidden. Then they got divorced and I started; as my mother would say, acting out."

Kenny chuckled, "How so?"

"I started sneaking out, skipping class, and then came Darnell. I always felt safe with him. One day my parents caught us in my room and they practically disowned me. I left and never went back. Now I don't know what to do without him."

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