Chapter 17

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Kenny walked into the condo after leaving Melissa's place. She bitched and whined the whole time he getting ready to leave. He thought his lack of interest during their quickie would have told her he wasn't into her anymore but she's still delusional. On the bright side he did get all the instructions he needed on top of some information on PJ.

His thoughts faded as he saw a familiar face having a drink with Toni while Josiah laid on the couch half sleep.

"Mom. What are you doing here?" He asked sitting his keys down.

"Well I came to see you, but I made some new friends instead." Gloria expressed.

"Oh, is there something you needed?"

Toni shook her head, "Ken sometimes moms just want to lay eyes on their kids."

Gloria pointed at Toni, "I like this one."

"Sorry, I've just had a stressful day." He said. Something about cutting someone's tongue out and sleeping with Melissa all in one day fucked up his mental state.

"You wanna talk about it?" Gloria asked.

"Not really."

"Ken, your that blood?" Toni asked seeing the small spot on his shirt.

He looked down and mentally cursed.

"Yeah, I had a little nose bleed. It's no big deal." He lied.


"Well, I have to go. My beau is waiting on me." Gloria said standing to her feet.

"Who is he?" Kenny inquired.

Gloria frowned, "Why would I tell you that?"

Toni chuckled as Kenny frowned walking over to Josiah.

"Fine." He said picking the sleeping toddler up. He kissed is mother goodbye before heading into the bedroom.

"It was nice meeting you." Gloria said to Toni.

"You as well. Bye Ms. Gloria." Toni said opening the door for her. Gloria waved and walked out.
Kenny returned just as Toni closed the door.

"Your mom is really sweet." Toni said taking a seat on the couch.

"Thanks." He replied siting next to her. Suddenly he remembered something, "Oh, this is for you."

He got up and went to grab the box off the counter and handed it to her.

"You bought me a new phone?" She asked. She thought he was just going to get her old fixed.

"Yeah, I told you I'd make it up to you. Unfortunately the number changed." He said going into the kitchen

"That's okay. Thank you."

"Also I bought this too." He said returning with wine and two glasses. He filled them up and handed her one, "Here. A toast to you. You are one of the strongest, most beautiful, and inspiring woman I've met...besides my mama." He said making her chuckle as their glasses clinked.

"Thank you, that really means a lot." She said.

"It's the truth."

He leaned in and kissed her. She kissed back for a few seconds before pulling away.


"What's wrong?"

She sighed, "I don't know. I just think I'm developing feelings for you and I'm not sure if I should be. Like what if I'm falling for you for real? Or what if I'm not and I'm just scared of being alone?"

"Okay take a deep breath." He said. She did as he said making him smile, "I don't expect you to be able to know how you feel right now. You got a lot going on, relax. I just want to be here for you."

Toni let out a slow sigh of relief. Downing her wine, she sat her glass on the coffee table before climbing into his lap. She straddled him as he sat his glass on the side table.

She then crashed her lips into his as she gripped the hem of his shirt. He raised his arms letting her take it off. His arms wrapped around her waist as she grinded against him awakening the monster in his pants. He moved his hands under the oversized hoodie she had been wearing as a dress. He grabbed the lace and ripped it making her gasp.

She bit her lip watching him undo his pants. Pulling her hoodie over her head, she tossed it across the living room leaving herself completely bare. He kissed along the top of her breast as his member rested against her skin at full attention.

He helped her lift herself up, but caught her by surprise pulling her legs over his shoulders. His mouth latched onto her folds as his hands held on to a her ass.

Her feet dug into the back of the couch as bit her lip to muffle her moans. She ran her fingers through his hair grinding her hips against his tongue. Tightening his grip, he sucked on her rosebud sending shockwaves through her body. Feeling her peak hit faster than normal she let out a moan as her thighs clenched around his head. In turn he reached up and pulled them apart drink every drop of her before letting her slide down his torso and onto his member.

Her hands clawed his shoulders as he filled her up. He cupped her face kissing her deeper than before as her body slowly moved up and down on him. Her tongue explored his mouth tasting herself in every area.

He pulled away catching his breath. The rhythm in her hips captivated every part of him. He couldn't form words. No woman had ever rendered him speechless like this.

Feeling her clench around him pulled a "Fuck!" out of him as he cradled her body. Her arms wrapped around his neck as she moved with precision bringing them both to their peaks. As they came down from their highs, they engaged in a fiery kiss.

Later that night, Kenny laid on the couch with Toni sleeping on top of him. Only a soft blanket covered their naked bodies. Kenny remembered his instructions and he needed to do it now.

"Tone." He whispered but got no answer.

He grabbed the pillow from behind his head replacing his body with it allowing her to lay comfortably on it. He thought for sure she'd wake up from his movement, but she was in a deep slumber.


Rod woke up from his nap at the sound of the car door opening.
"What the fuck?!" He yelled before a gun was pushed to his head.

"You're a dumb ass. Which is why I'm going to let you live." Kenny said pushing a duffle bag full of money into the passenger seat.

Recognizing the bag, Rod frowned,"Is that-"

"It doesn't matter. It's enough for you to make a smart decision. I'm giving you 24 hours to disappear." Kenny told him before getting out of the car leaving him with half of Darnell's money.

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