Chapter 16

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"This feels good." Toni moaned as Kenny's magical hands massaged her shoulders, "You don't have to do this. I'm sure there's plenty of other things you have to do." She said.

He smiled,"I know but I want to. Do you need anything else? More wine?"

"Yes please." She said holding up her glass. He chuckled filling her glass.

"There ya go."

"Wait I forgot to tip you." She said lifting herself up. She kissed his lips softly.

"I love this job." He said making her laugh. "I'm going to check on Josiah. You stay in here as long as you need and relax."

She nodded sinking into the hot water. This was everything she didn't know she needed. He woke her up from a nap telling her he had ran her a bubble bath. When she got there, he had the rose petals, candles, and wine waiting for her. She smiled to herself thinking about how thoughtful he was.


Kenny sat on the couch watching Josiah run around. He needed to burn the energy he got from eating all the gummy bears Kenny gave him.

"Be careful Josiah." He told him.

"Okay Ken." The little one said it bothering to stop.

Toni's phone dinged grabbing Kenny's attention. He picked it up off the coffee table and read a message from PJ that made his blood run cold.

Yo Toni, if you with Kenny ass, you may wanna get the fuck outta dodge. I just found out he killed your man. I know it's true...a priest told me.

Kenny let out a breath. Just when he thought his days of getting rid of the thorns in the rose he created for Toni were over, here came PJ to mess it up.

"Josiah, come here buddy." He said just staring at the phone. Josiah came bouncing up to him. Kenny rubbed the boy's head, "Go play in the room."

Josiah proceed run into the guest room where all his toys were as Kenny took a few deep breaths. How did PJ even find Father Thomas? He had to have had him followed meaning he probably knew about Toni being here. One thing PJ was not going to do was hurt her.

Kenny threw the phone on the floor and stomped on it. He'd get her a new one with a new phone number and everything. Right now he had to deal with a traitor.

"I'm sorry." Father Thomas said frantically as Kenny came into the church.

"What happened?" Kenny asked.

"He put a gun to my head and forced me to tell him or he'd kill me. I have a family."

"So do I!" Kenny yelled. He took few deep breaths, "Since I know it's bad karma to kill a priest, I won't do that. But I need to make sure you don't speak to anyone else." He replied punching the old man in the face.

Father Thomas was out like a light giving Kenny the opportunity to get to work. He pulled out a switchblade and dragged the old man out of the back door.

An hour later Kenny found himself in the bathroom puking. There was so much blood, but the priest was alive...and tongue-less.

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