Chapter 10

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I know I haven't been updating as often, I just have a lot going on personally. BUT I have been writing, which is good🤗

"Okay now go." Toni said. Josiah smirked going down the slide. She chuckled, "Good job!" She said scooping him up and kissing his cheek.

"I'm back."

"Ice cream!!" Josiah yelled jumping out of her arms and running towards Kenny who was holding three ice cream cones.

He smiled, "Yeah. I got vanilla for you, Rocky Road for the lady, and chocolate for me." He said handing everyone a cone.

"Josiah what do we say?" Toni asked.

Josiah looked up at Kenny, "Thank you."

Kenny chuckled, "No problem buddy." He said wiping the ice cream off the little boy's face.

"Thanks Ken." Toni said as they sat down on the bench.


"It's a beautiful day isn't it?"

"Yes it is."

"I go play." Josiah said getting up and handing his mother his half eaten ice cream.

"Okay, be careful."

"He's adorable." Kenny said as they watched him run to the playground.

"Thanks, he reminds me of..." she trailed off silencing herself.

He turned to her, "You know it's okay to talk about him sometimes."

"I just feel guilty at times."

"Because of this?" He asked pointing between the two of them. Something was going on but both of them were too afraid to acknowledge it.

"No. The night he died, I was planning on leaving. I was tired of living life constantly worried for us and our son. So, I was going to pack up and just leave." She said feeling like an asshole.

"You never told me that."

"I didn't tell anyone."

"You don't have to feel guilty about doing what's best for you and your child." He said.

She half-smiled, "You always know what to say. How is that?"

"I don't know." He said with a shrug making she laugh."


Toni hopped out of the car after Kenny opened the door for her. She took a sleeping Josiah out of his arms as he closed the door. They walked up the driveway only to be met with PJ and Trey on the front porch.

"What the hell is going on here?" PJ asked staring Kenny down.


"With you two, what's going on?"


PJ glared at Toni,"What the hell you doing with college boy? You being disrespectful as fuck!"

"PJ, nothing is going on." She said.

"So you going out with him and kissing on him is nothing?"

"What the- how the hell do you even know that?"

"Don't worry about all that. Now y'all out here looking like a fake ass little family and shit?"

Toni stepped up to him, "You know what? You're not my father, you're not my bodyguard, you're not even my friend. You want me because Darnell had me, you want to control me because that's what he're just Darnell's bitch."

He charged at her, "The fuck you just say-"

Quickly stepping between them, "Hey! What the hell's wrong with you?! She's a woman!" Kenny said pushing him back.

"Don't touch me. You know what? You're done here. You're not with us anymore." PJ said swatting his hand away.


"You heard me. Stay away from this house and the rest of the crew. Why don't you go back to the rich white neighborhood you came from? You don't belong here."

Toni frowned, "You can't do th-"

"Shut up and go inside." PJ told her.

"Excuse me?"

Kenny sighed, "Toni just go inside before Josiah wakes up."



She looked between the men before walking inside the house. PJ stepped closer to Kenny with Trey right behind him.

"I don't trust you and I don't like the shit you're doing with Toni. If I see you anywhere near her or us again, you're dead." He threatened. Kenny looked away from him as he turned to his lap dog, "Trey, you're in charge of Toni."

Trey grimaced, "What? You got me babysitting and shit?"

"Just do it!"

Letting out a breath he went inside as Kenny walked to his car. PJ watched Kenny closely.


"This isn't fair. I should have a say in this and I don't want him to go." Toni said as Trey flipped through channels on the TV. She was starting to feel like a prisoner in her own home.

"You'll get over it." He said turning the game on.

She stomped into the kitchen feeling Trey's eyes on her ass. Meredith closed the refrigerator as she leaned against the counter.

"Is this about Kenny?" She asked. Toni said nothing still in a mood. Meredith let out a breath, "I saw you two. On the porch that day...the other night in his car."

"So you're spying on me now? What are you, PJ's eyes and ears?" Toni snapped.

"You shouldn't be entertaining him. You should be here grieving." Meredith said.

"So you told PJ. I should've known." She said walking away.

Meredith grabbed her arm, "Calm down-"

"Don't tell me what to do! Why are you even here? Just get out." She said snatching away from her.

"Toni come o-"


Meredith scoffed before walking away. Toni sighed hearing the front door shut. Maybe she was right. She didn't have time to be falling for someone else when she was still grieving...but she just couldn't help it.

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