Chapter 15

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It was around 4am and everything thing was quiet. Kenny's fingers caressed Toni's back as she laid on his chest. He felt the tickle of her lashes letting him know she was blinking.

"Are you awake?" He asked in amusement.

She raised her head up to look at him,"Yeah. I can't sleep."

"How do you feel?"

"Relaxed. Like I can finally breathe again."

"I meant about us. Last night?" He said.

"I know what you meant." She said placing a soft kiss on his lips.

She then kissed along his jawline and moved down to his neck. He gripped her chin capturing her lips again. He flipped her over making her giggle.

He stared into her eyes spreading her legs. How could one woman be so irresistible? He kissed her neck sinking deep inside making her gasp. Her chest pressed against his as her back arched.

Her arms snaked around his neck as he held her close to him. His strokes were slow but seemed to get deeper every time. Her legs wrapped around his waist as his speed increased. She pressed her lips together to keep quiet as she felt her climax build.

Kenny grabbed the headboard to keep it from slamming into the wall as he pounded into her chasing his own release. Her toes curled as the change in speed brought her to her peak. He came soon after pressing his lips against hers. She sank back into the bed cupping his face as he deepened the kiss.


"You must confess your sin." The priest told Kenny after he told him everything. He woke up and came straight here feeling like he'd explode if he didn't tell someone.

This was the only safe space for him since everything he told the priest had to remain confidential.

"I you." He said.

"No, I mean confess to her and the police." Father Thomas said referring to Toni.

Kenny shook his head, "I'm sorry but I can't do that. If she finds out it will hurt her. I won't allow her to be hurt again."


"I need to go." Kenny said quickly getting up.


Meanwhile, Rod sat outside the church. He had secretly followed Kenny on the long drive there. He was now parked across the street. The door opened and PJ hopped in.

"Anything strange?" He asked.

"He's been in there for a while. I didn't even know they had church on Thursdays." Rod told him.

"They don't dumbass, he probably went to confession..."

Suddenly they saw Kenny emerge from the building.
"He's leaving." Rod said starting the car.

"Follow him, I'll meet you at the spot later." PJ said before quickly hopping out.

Rod nodded before driving off behind Kenny leaving PJ. He walked into the church.

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