Chapter 14-It never stops, does it?

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"It was in the last few months of middle school."Joe started, his soft but commandeering voice getting the full attention of Team Flash. 

"Barry was getting bullied, but with practically the whole school against him, there's only so much a cop can do. One day, to put it simply, they went to far. He had to stay in the hospital for two weeks and another two in bedrest at home." 

Caitlin gasped and buried her head in Cisco's shoulder, while all of team flash looked positively green. 

Iris went to Joe's side, knowing they both were remembering the time when Barry was in the hospital. It was horrible and talking about it alway brought about the most unpleasant memories. 

With a shuddering breath and a small smile, Joe continued, "My high school best friend, Richard Smythe, offered to take Barry in when I mentioned that I didn't want Barry to stay in Central anymore. Richard had a son, but he had went overseas and Richard and his wife wanted a kid in the house again. Not only did I know Richard had a good heart and would never hurt Barry, he was insanely rich and had a powerful position as a state attorney. I just wanted to protect Barry, but it did more harm than good. Long story short, Barry took all the hurt he was feeling and channelled it into this...persona. And no, it's not dissociative identity disorder." 

Iris took over, hands on the railings behind the computers, while Joe was pacing back and forth, a very concerning action since he was always the calm and composed one. 

"Barry changed his name to Sebastian Smythe, and when I met him during a visit, it was like I was meeting a whole new person, and my best friend was gone. I unintentionally spied on him and Sebastian was cold, ruthless, condescending, snarky, basically a jerk. Of course he never showed that side in front of me and Joe, but it was worrying all the same. He didn't have any friends, you were either an acquaintance or family. The only good thing is that Sebastian is even more protective of his family than Barry, as impossible as that sounds." 

Joe finished, "The Barry you know would never run away, but I fear that we are seeing Sebastian for some unknown reason, or at least some parts of him, and he would use anything to his advantage to save himself." 

The cortex descended into silence, each lost in their own thoughts. "I don't care what Barry used to be like, he's still my best friend and I have to make sure he's alright and not in danger." Cisco said as he walked forward to vibe the flash suit. 

H.R. spoke up "As much as I support and totally understand, there's a metahuman robbery going on and Kid Flash is requesting for tech support." 

Cisco looked over to the console and silently cursing underneath his breath before running over to the comms. 


"Sebastian what the hell is that?!" 

Barry looked up from where he was conversing with Berry and Finn. A breach was forming in the middle of the hangar, and honestly, it terrified him. 

What if he had to expose his powers? Or even worse, what if he can't protect his friends from whatever that's coming out from that breach? 

Barry pushed himself in front of his friends, arms spreading out to protect them as much as he could. Before anyone could protest or react, curls of blonde hair, a red cape and boots stepped from the breach with a familiar smile. 

Barry smiled at Kara and was about to go up and embrace her when he heard a confused chorus of "Marley?" from behind him. 

Barry facepalmed, nothing could ever go without some plot twist, could it?

Word count:638

Yay heheheh kara finally comes in! i was originally planning to include her later in the story, but oh well:)

Thank you for reading:)

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