Chapter 10-It makes sense now, i think?

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"My birth name is Bartholomew Henry Allen. Sebastian Smythe only existed for my Dalton years. He's dead now." 

Barry said that with no emotion whatsoever, but it was clear to those who knew him well the regret and longing in his eyes. It was worrying seeing two emotions on that was on completely different spectrums go so well together and look so normal on Sebastian. 

"My story starts when my mom got murdered. I was 11 and my dad went to jail for her murder. I told them that he didn't do it, that I saw who really killed my mom, but it was the impossible and I was a kid, so nobody believed me. Everyone thought I was messed up in the head, even my adopted father. That's where Harrison Wells comes in, guess the joke's on them now." He continued.

Barry stopped to take a breather, and looked around him. That short summary of his story took more out of him than he realised, and his nightmare probably didn't help. 

There was confusion and pity, which was to be expected, but seeing people looking at him with that sad look on their faces, walking on eggshells around him and treating like he was a ticking bomb never got any easier for him. 

Feeling a wave of anger, he resumed his story stoically, "Apparently your father 'killing' your mom and telling everyone a man in lightning was the one who actually killed her subjects to you getting bullied for years until you end up the in hospital because you almost died and have to change your name completely and move out to Ohio where no one know who are and you become basically a dick to everyone." 

So maybe he was not just angry at the looks of pity and had some problems he pushed down over the years.

This shocked everyone to their core, they never thought that the infamous Sebastian Smythe was bullied. 

Still they were undeterred by his sudden coldness and a brave, maybe stupid, junior asked Barry timidly, "What was your nightmare about?" 

"Guess you never learnt the meaning of boundaries, did you? There are some things that are private, if you ever heard of that word, and I really wouldn't be surprised if you didn't." 

Barry was starting to sound more and more like Sebastian, which was both unnerving and relieving at the same time. 

Trent placed a comforting hand on Barry's shoulder, letting some scared juniors to relax when they saw Sebastian untense his shoulders at the familiar touch. Trent continued in a lowered voice, "You don't have to continue." 

Barry gave Trent a weak smile and with a shuddering breath explained more in detail, "I can't tell you what my nightmare was about, but filling in the gaps, I was getting my daily beat up," this got many winces, especially for the new directions who were familiar with that, "and those bastards went too far. I blacked out and was found by a police officer, lying in a pool of my own blood in a alleyway. When I woke up, I was in the hospital. I had 15 broken ribs, a broken arm, a sprained foot and part of my skull was cracked. That's the simplified version, by the way." 

At this, Kurt stood up and sat next on the other side of Barry, where he was being partially held by Trent. He looked Barry right in his gleaming eyes, and said in his softest, gentlest voice, " You have people here for you." 

Those 6 words made Barry feel so much better. Kurt was probably the person who could relate the most to Barry out of the new directions. His face held no pity at all, and he said the most perfect words, and Barry engulfed Kurt into a big bear hug. 

Silent tears spilled out of his eyes, but it was alright, because he knew the people around him would never judge. Barry knew most people in that room had gone through some form of bullying or loss, and while they had not gone through as much as him, it was comforting for Barry to have people his could rely on, even if they could never know his secrets. 

He picked up his story with a trembling voice, " Anyways, my foster father, Joe, decided it was best for me if I were to get out of Central City, my hometown, for my high school years. His old friend, Richard Smythe, and his wife were missing their son after he went overseas, so they volunteered to take me in. They had some business to do in Paris, where I fully perfected the persona of 'Sebastian Smythe'. After we came back to Ohio, I joined Dalton and the rest is history." 

Barry decided not to tell them about the lightning or the last few years, it was mostly superhero stuff anyway. 

"So basically Sebastian is your Snix." Blaine spoke up.

"Snix?" David asked. 

Santana replied before Blaine could, " When I go rage mode I call that part of myself Snix, it's like my alter ego of some sorts." 

" Yup, that's why Sebastian was called the male Santana, they were more alike than they realised. Wait, should we start calling you Bartholomew?" Nick spoke up. 

" Firstly, how'd you know about Santana's Snix? Secondly, everyone calls me Barry but you can continue to call me Sebastian if you want." 

" Sebastian honey, you should know by now that I know a lot of things." 

Everyone could see how exhausted Barry was, even before his nightmare his bags under his eyes were atrocious and the 'interrogation' took a toll on him, both physically and mentally. 

" We'll leave you now okay? Can we come back tomorrow?" Trent asked, as he moved to stand up. 

" Sure, why not." 

Barry had planned to be alone for a few days but maybe the warblers and new directions could help him to forget about his problems for a while. 

They left in their giant bus, Barry slumped down on his temporary bed exhausted, and that was that.

word count:1032

heheheheheh maybe i should have told y'all it was going to be a longer one rather than a long one.

oh well

so. replying to those from my last chapter, yes i am from Singapore. yay if you figured it out. i know i have the map and everything but QOTD where are you guys from?:)

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