Chapter 11-Once a warbler, always a warbler

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The next day, Barry woke up feeling kind of confused. 

He could feel himself nervous about something, until the point where he wanted to throw up, but it took him a minute to remember the something. When he did, he fell back into his 'bed', drifting back to sleep and hoping the past day was just a terrible dream. 

Blaine's POV 

We were having a little meeting, before we planned to go back to S.T.A.R. labs, no, Sebastian's hangar. 

When me and Kurt arrived, we slipped to a corner before Trent addressed everyone, eyes on the floor. "We shouldn't push too hard. I saw how much our little questioning tired him out yesterday, and I don't want to put him through that again. 

It's like he has this invisible weight on his shoulders that he's been carrying for far too long. I know he wasn't always the nicest," he finally lifted his eyes and scanned over the new directions in the room before looking back to the floor, his voice never raising but becoming more serious, "but he is still a warbler and our brother, so we are going to help him, even if we don't know what's going on. Today is for Sebastian to heal and have fun and forget about his problems for at least a day. Look after him, but make sure you be subtle about it. We should get going, we are already late." 

Nods and hums of agreement could be seen and heard from Santana's and Britney's room, where we were currently having our meeting in. I told the warblers to go down first, and only when all the warblers left the room did I finally speak out from my place in the corner, "how's things been for you guys?" 

Rachel answered, "Honestly, I couldn't sleep last night, and judging by everyone's eye bags, I don't think you guys could either." 

"We get it Rachel, you've been taking a detective course, now's not really the time to show off." Tina bit back. 

"No, you guys don't get it." Rachel paused, deep in thought. 

After a tense minute, she spoke up, "I knew about his past."

 At the shocked gasps and betrayed glares, she snapped at everyone, "You guys should have enough human decency to know why I didn't tell you, so wipe that bloody looks of betrayal off your faces." 

Taking a breath, she started again, voice gentler this time, " I don't know everything, just bits and pieces. After the photos of Finn, Bassy, that's what I call him, came to apologised to me directly. He didn't really trust that anyone else wouldn't retaliate in some way or tell the rest of us, so it was just me. Bassy was always good a reading people." 

With a fond smile, she continued, "We got to talking, and he invited me back to his house for drinks and a sleepover since it was so late. He accidently referred to Mr Smythe as 'Uncle Richard' in front of me, and since he was already tipsy, we got to talking and after exchanging embarrassing stories, we got personal. I promised him that I wouldn't tell anyone. 

After that, every time something major happened in our lives then we would meet up, and every time I would learn a bit more about him. You know he's actually the reason why I take weird couses, like this detective one. So, I'll tell you guys everything I know if Bassy decides to reveal it, I still got a promise to keep." 

A beat of silence passed before Finn (yes he's still alive) spoke up, "We will be talking about this later but lets not keep the warblers waiting any longer." 

When we boarded the bus, I noticed some odd looks from Trent. Not thinking much about it, I sat next to kurt and put my head on his shoulder as the bus rumbled to life and pulled out of the parking spot. 

I had never been more grateful for how well my husband knew me, knowing that I just wanted the special feeling of comfort I got near him and time to think in silence.

I could tell how much Sebastian meant to the warblers. While I could never decide if I was more of a new direction or warbler, I knew first-hand that bring a warbler meant that your brothers will be there for you, always. 

The brotherhood between and the warblers was something that wouldn't be lost over slushies and time, and I knew that the warbles still thought of Sebastian as family, but the real question was, were we still his?

Word count:772

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