Chapter 4-Kismet?I don't know her

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Kurt's POV 

About an hour into our 'festivities', a junior who was a lookout frantically came running into the hanger, a little out of breath. He panted and caught his breath before shouting to everyone, "There's someone driving S.T.A.R labs van heading here!"

Everyone scrambled into action and we managed to get everything packed and ran behind the cupboards so quick you could even say we did it all in a flash. 

After making sure that there was no evidence left of us, Trent turned off the lights and power, and we settled into silence. 

The hangar door was thrown open, sunlight streaming through the gap, allowing us to sort of see how many people there was and who they were. However, we could only see that there was one man alone, who actions and clothes somehow just screamed 'dorky' and 'nice'. Though we could not see his face clearly, I could tell that he was young, about our age. I dubbed him "cute-dork" in my mind because as much as I absolutely love Blaine, I could appreciate a body like cute-dork's. 

Cute-dork got back into the van and drove it into the middle of the hanger. He got out of the driver's seat and proceeded to take out an armchair, tables, workout equipment, computers and tech-thingys? 

At this point I was very, very confused and I could almost swear that cute-dork's body shape was so similar to Sebastian's, they were almost identical. 

There is no way, is there?

At that very second, cute-dork turned around, and it felt like everything was in slow motion. I was sure that if we were in a movie theatre watching a movie, this would be the part when everyone is sitting at the edge of their seats, waiting in suspense.

The cute-dork turned out to be the one and only... 

Sebastian Smythe.

I heard a little gasp come out from everyone's mouth as everyone recognised the infamous Sebastian Smythe, even those who did not attend school with him. Nick crept around, whispering to everyone, "Don't show yourself. Sebastian is wearing a S.T.A.R labs sweatshirt. Let's just watch and see what he does."

From the looks of it, I could tell Sebastian was planning to stay in this hanger for a while, and apparently so were we. 

Word count: 383

I'm so sorry for not updating yesterday i was just so busy.

Also so sorry for this part being so short i promise the next one will be better.

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