Chapter 6-Wanting to forget

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a/n So I have missed publishing two chapters on time so far. I realised that i might not be able to always publish on Fridays like i said, as some days are just busier than others. I will try my best to always publish on Fridays but if not, it will be on Saturday. Thank you for understanding!

Barry's POV

After a good few hours of working out, I took a quick shower before eating a protein bar that Cisco had especially made for me. I think you can imagine exactly how quick my shower was. 

I could swear that I heard rustling, like there was people in the hangar too. I discretely tried to used my speed, just in case there was someone. When I saw my hand vibrate, I sighed in relief. I was too exhausted to deal with anybody, emotionally and physically, and if I had my speed I could just take anybody out in a second, so I ignored it.

I settled into the armchair that position in front the computers I had brought. I put on a musical and immediately felt myself relax. My mom always told me "Musicals have the power to make everything better."

Thinking about my mom, it hit me. I had forgot that today was her and my dad's wedding anniversary. How could I forget, I asked myself.

My whole body wracked with a sudden wave of guilt. Guilt and I had become best friends at this point, along with death, pain and betrayal. 

Raindrops fell on my cheeks and I looked around in confusion, wondering how rain could come inside the hanger. Looking at the bright sun outside, I realised that it was my tears and not raindrops and after that, it was like the floodgates had open. My tears came down and off my face like a river escaping a dam. Sobs tore through my mouth and I fell to the floor crying out. 

My chest tightened and a involuntary whimper escaped my lips as I just sat on the floor and cried and cried and cried. 

Trent's POV 

Sebastian was my best friend in high school. As much as he wanted others to think of him as the 'villain', all the warblers knew he was a big softie inside. 

The warblers were his second family, and dropping off the grid after graduation hurt all of us, to say the least. No matter how much they were all angry, especially the new directions, i know that most of us were relieved to see that Sebastian was alright after all these years. 

Being the closest with Sebastian, it was probably the biggest relief for me finding out that Sebastian wasn't actually dead, although his appearance did raise more questions than answers. 

Sebastian worked out for a few hours, a dream come through for the people who still 'worshipped' Sebastian. For me, I got bored after the first hour. I was about to doze off when I saw that Sebastian had finally finished his workout. 

He went into his van and came out two seconds later, completely fresh out of the shower. My jaw dropped and looking around, everyone else's mouth was hanging too. 

The worst part was hearing Sebastian not cry, but full on sobbing. His gut-wrenching sobs made the sound of suffering echo through the hanger. My heart ached for Sebastian, his sobbing making me feel like I could almost feel his pain. A single tear squeezed out of my eyes, seeing his shoulder drop, like in resignation.


Barry's POV 

To bloody hell with it, I thought to myself. 

I brought out a vial of alcohol Caitlin and Cisco made for me to get drunk. Without a second thought, I brought it to my lips and shot it down.

That was a bad idea, I groaned and made my way to the bin, sure that I was about to puke the food I had ate from the past week, even though that made no sense. 

Unfortunately for me, I stated to pass out on the way to the bin, making me collapse on the floor. Right before I closed my eyes, I imagined that a bunch of warblers and new direction-ers were running towards me, and then I blacked out.

Word count: 654

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