Chapter 5-Who is Sebastian really?

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a/n omgosh im so sorry i accidentally didn't publish the previous part i just realised today so i guess there will be two new parts today. To explain i wrote chapter 4 on last saturday 23rd may and its 29 may today just in case anyone was confused. 

Also, VERY IMPORTANT, i realised i didn't really explain about how the new directions appeared at the hanger, so just pretend that they were with the warblers and everything, just super quiet.

So sorry for everything!

Barry's POV 

I arrived at the S.T.A.R labs' hangar and immediately felt like I was being watched. I looked around but didn't see anyone. 

I just shrugged it off thinking that I was probably still recovering from the shock of seeing Kurt and Blaine just now. It brought out so many memories from when I used to be the 'bad guy' and I felt extremely guilty from the things I did as Sebastian Smythe. 

My Sebastian persona was to protect me from getting hurt, from the bullies. Instead I became the very thing I hated and now, my past was finally catching up with me. I guess I did deserve it, but the guilt was like an ocean, and I was sinking to the depths of my guilt and drowning. 

With Iris and Savitar and Kurt and Blaine, I was wondering how much more I could take before it would get too much. I was probably acting like a coward right now, but I just could not bring myself to care. 

I got what I needed for a few days staying in the hanger and 'settled in'. I sat in a armchair I brought and sat in my thoughts, thinking of what to say to the team. I finally mustered up the courage and started recording myself.

"Hey guys. By now you're probably wondering where I am. I can't explain why, but I needed a few days to myself. I cleared it with Captain Singh already and I know it's really selfish of me to do this, but I really need this. I'll explain everything when I get back. Please keep the city safe for me and please don't try to find me. I'm sorry." 

I turned off the recording and sent it to Cisco. I need a really good workout, sighing to myself.

Santana's POV 

I heard everything fievel was saying and throughout his recording my eyebrows were furrowed and I was extremely confused. That really didn't sound like the Sebastian that we all knew. 

After he ended his recording, he sighed to himself before entering the van and coming out a second later shirtless and in sweatpants. I wondered to myself, how did fievel manage to change from a sweatshirt and jeans to just sweatpants so fast? 

And as much as I hated to admit it, Sebastian looked really hot shirtless with his abs just looked absolutely... delicious.

It disgusted me to even think about that, but when Sebastian started working out, muscles flexing and everything, I think he turned straight guys gay. 

Nick's POV 

Watching Sebastian work out was probably a dream come through for most of the warblers, no matter what their sexuality. It was no surprise as Sebastian was legend at Dalton, having fans that basically worshipped the grounds he walked on. 

I looked around and saw some, actually most of everyone there breathing heavily, pupils dilated, because who wouldn't become like that seeing what was basically a model in front of their eyes, with toned muscles, hair messed up, sweat drops glistening on his skin. 

However, I was still wondering, why S.T.A.R labs? How did they relate to Sebastian? Did he work for them? 

I chuckled to myself, thinking about the irony of the situation, how no one could send a invite to Sebastian, but he ended coming to the reunion anyways.

Word count: 558

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