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   Charlie walked into the room, her eyes slightly red from crying, but not very.

   Chris was laying on the ground.

   "You okay Chris?" Charlie asked.

   "I'm fine." Chris answered. 

   "You sure?" Charlie asked again.

   "Yes." He noticed Elizabeth looking at him. "What?"

   "You're always lying down on the floor." Elizabeth pointed out.

   Chris raised an eyebrow at her. "So? It's not like I can lay on the roof... but that WOULD be cool."

   "True, but still. You're always on the floor, and it's just...kinda weird, I guess." Elizabeth shrugged, recalling the times where he'd be running and jumping around in excitement as a child.

   "There's nothing wrong with being on the floor. After all, your on the floor." Chris chuckled.

   Elizabeth rolled her eyes. "I MEAN, you're always lying down on the floor. It's like your hobby, now."

   Chris stood up. "Is this better?"

   Elizabeth shrugged again. "I guess so."

   "...I'm bored."

   "Then what do YOU wanna do?"

   Chris muttered something before saying. "I don't know."

   Elizabeth heard him say something before he said the 'I don't know.' She shrugged it off. "Okay. Hey, Charlie, do you know of anything we can do?" Charlie shrugged in response. 

   Elizabeth sighed. "Okay, then."

   "It's usually at this point that something goes horribly wrong." Charlie muttered.

   Elizabeth furrowed her brows. "Don't say that."


   Elizabeth smiled a bit.

   "I'ma go see what Puppet and Lefty are doing." Charlie said, walking off to who knows where.

   Elizabeth looked at him.

   "I am not okay." Chris simply said.

   Elizabeth became worried. "Why, what's wrong?" Chris shrugged in response. Elizabeth sighed. "Okay."

   Chris nodded. "Okay."

   "But keep in mind that I'm gonna have to know sooner or later."

   "I think I'm fine, Just don't worry about it.."

   "But you're my family, how am I supposed to NOT worry?"

   Chris shrugged.

   And just at that time, Charlie walked back to Chris and Elizabeth.

   "Hello, Charlie." Chris greeted her.

   Elizabeth stayed silent and Chris stood up and stretched. Elizabeth started humming to herself.

   "Hey, I'm going to go walk around, okay?" Chris turned away from her.

   Elizabeth glanced at him and nodded.

   Chris sighed and started walking around. When he put his hands in his pocket he noticed he still had the key to the supply closet. Elizabeth kept humming to herself, staring out into oblivion. Chris walked to the direction of the closet.

'Til The End Of Time (FNAF AU)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz