Where Did The Other Children Go?

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(Btw, this chapter was not roleplayed by me, @LilAlbinoEnderman or Protocookie123456 on Scratch, I only wrote it myself. Credits to Scott Cawthon.)

    August 19th, 1983

   Elizabeth and Chris entered Circus Baby's Pizza World, William following behind them, and Elizabeth was astonished by the sight. 

   They heard other children playing and laughing in the distance.

   Chris started to walk towards the area that Circus Baby was in, and Elizabeth started to follow him, when William grabbed her by the shoulder. "Elizabeth, you can't go near her."

   Elizabeth frowned. "Why not?"

   William narrowed his eyes at her. "Because I said so. Now listen to me." He demanded.

   Elizabeth became angry. "You have to let me inside the room!" She shouted.

   William growled low before saying, "Don't yell at me, Elizabeth. You can not go to see Circus Baby."

   Elizabeth, the stubborn girl she was, refused to listen. "But daddy, she's so pretty and shiny!" She exclaimed, wanting to go see her. She put on her begging face. "Didn't you make her just for me?"

   William stood firm and tall. "Elizabeth Afton, don't even try that with me."

   Elizabeth crossed her arms. "But I just want to see her! Please!"

   William shook his head. "No. Now, I'm going to go and work on one of the other animatronics. You two can go and look around, but do not go into Circus Baby's room. I won't be watching on the cameras, but I trust that you two will listen." He informed them. "I'll see you later." He walked away to who knows where.

   Chris smiled. "You heard dad. Hey, do you wanna go see Ballora?"

   Elizabeth simply shook her head. "Nope. I'm going to see Circus Baby." She grabbed Chris by the wrist and dragged him into Circus Baby's room. 

   Chris's smile faded when he heard what Elizabeth had said. "What?! B-But dad said-"

   But it was too late. They had already entered the room that Circus Baby was in. "Daddy isn't watching." Elizabeth said sneakily as she stepped closer to Circus Baby. The strange thing was, that there were no other children in the room. Elizabeth and Chris were the only ones.

   Just then, Charlie had arrived and entered the room. "Hey guys-" She paused as she saw Elizabeth stepping closer to Circus Baby. Charlie had recalled the blueprints that Henry Emily, her father, had shown her of Circus Baby. "Elizabeth, get away from her! It's dangerous!" She warned her.

   Elizabeth ignore Charlie and started talking to Circus Baby. "Don't tell daddy I'm here, I wanted to watch the show too!" She smiled in awe as she looked at the animatronic. "I don't know why he wouldn't let me see you, you're wonderful!"

   Chris's eyes widened in fear. "Liz, stop! I'll get dad! I'm serious! Charlie said she's dangerous, so get away from her!" He cried. "Charlie, we need to get my dad." He grabbed her by the wrist and started pulling her out of the room, looking for William.

   Elizabeth stood alone with Circus Baby inside the room. She looked around. "Where did the other children go?" She looked back at Circus Baby and touched her hand, noticing that she had stopped moving. "Hello?" Suddenly, a claw came out of Circus Baby's stomach, grabbed Elizabeth and pulled her inside of her, screaming.

   A few minutes later, it was closing time, and everyone but Chris, Charlie, and William left the pizzeria. Elizabeth was still in Circus Baby's metal body.

   Chris and Charlie were looking for William, when instead he found them.

   "Hey, you two!" William greeted them with a smile. "It's time to go home." He looked around and raised an eyebrow. "Where's Elizabeth?" He asked.

   Chris thought of what had probably happened to his sister. Without thinking, he said, "I think she was kidnapped." He suddenly realized what he just said, and decided not to tell William the truth. He couldn't bear to say it.

   Tears begin to roll down William's pale face, and he grabbed Chris and Charlie by their wrists and started pulling them towards the exit of the pizzeria. "Let's go."

   Chris began to cry, and so did Charlie. "W-Where are we g-going?" He stuttered as William pulled them into the parking lot.

   William sighed as he opened the back seat door of his purple car. "Get in, Chris."

   Chris became confused. "Wh-What about Charlie?" He asked as he climbed into the backseat of the car.

   William looked at Chris, sadness and anger in his eyes. "I need to talk to her. I'll be back soon." He said, closing the door of the car. He looked down at Charlie, who was feeling skeptical about what William had to say. "Charlotte, Henry told me that he was coming to work with me here, and that he'd pick you up. He's in the back of the pizzeria, follow me." He led Charlie to the back of the pizzeria.

   Charlie was suspicious about following William to the back of the pizzeria. She suddenly didn't trust him, but it was too late. William had pulled a large knife out of his pocket.

   As they reached the back of the pizzeria, William pushed her down against the wall, and stabbed her. "If I can't have my little girl, neither can Henry. So bye bye, Charlie." He hissed. He put the knife in his jacket, so he could hide it from Chris. He walked back to his car, leaving her there to die.

   When William returned, Chris became curious. "Dad, where's Charlie?" He asked.

   William sighed. "Oh, s-she went missing." He lied. "When I was taking her to the back, where H-Henry was waiting for her, I-I thought she was right behind me, b-but she wasn't... I didn't know where s-she was... I'm so sorry, Chris."

   Chris began to cry harder knowing of the disappearance of his friend. "Sh-She... Charlie..." He buried his face in his hands as he cried. "I want Liz and Charlie back..."

   William shook his head in disappointment. "I know you do. But at least you have Michael."

   Chris crossed his arms and pouted. "No! Michael won't do me any good."

   William raised an eyebrow. "I suppose. It's okay. Everything will be alright."


   The Marionette was scrapped and thrown out by the dumpsters, next to Charlie's dead body. Marionette crawled closer to Charlie, but in the weather conditions, Marionette was falling apart. She laid herself down next to the poor child, allowing Charlie's spirit to possess the Marionette.

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