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   Lefty walked inside the pizzeria, and Charlie and Chris were just standing in the alley. Elizabeth was busy talking with Scraptrap in the alleyway. Lefty walked off to who knows where in the pizzeria.

   Chris was looking at Charlie. "So, uh, what do you wanna do?" Chris asked her.

   "I have no idea!" Charlie says while smiling.

   Chris chuckled. "Me neither..."

   Lefty came back with paper and a pencil.

   Chris blinked, confused.

   Lefty writes, 'Is there any spare voice box by chance?'

   Chris thought for a moment. "I don't know if there's a Parts N' Service here... We could check though."

   Lefty nods in acknowledgement.

   Chris looking inside the window. "I don't think the place is open..." But, he struck an idea and busted down the door. "Onwards, my friends!" He said, walking inside.

   Lefty writes, 'Well that happened,' Then walked inside, followed by Marionette and Charlie.

   Chris looked around. "I've only been in this place once. I don't know my way around..."

   Lefty leads the way to Security Puppet because Security Puppet should know her way around the pizzeria. Chris and Charlie followed him.

   Security Puppet looked at the children confusedly, then at Marionette even more confusedly. "Hiya!!" Chris greeted. "Do you know if there's a Parts n' Service here? Lefty doesn't have a voice box and we need to get him one." He explained.

   "There's a supply closet ... Who are you?" Security Puppet asked.

   "My name is Chris." Chris gave a slight smile.

   "And why are you here so late?" Security Puppet questioned.

   "We need to fix Lefty." Chris told her. "Where's the supply closet?"

   "Down there, third door on the right," Security Puppet pointed in the direction of the supply closet.

   "Thanks!!" Chris lead the small group to the closet.

   Elizabeth soon realized that she had been talking with Scraptrap for too long, and that she needed to catch up with Chris. She looked at Scraptrap. "Sorry, I need to go! I'll talk to you later. Bye!" She waved before speeding into the pizzeria, following Chris.

   Chris looked at Elizabeth as she caught up to him. "You're late to the party."

   Elizabeth caught her breath and rolled her eyes. "Hey, better late than never."

   Chris shrugged. "That's true." He tried to open the door. "It's locked..." Lefty tries to kick open the door, but it didn't work.

   "And that's why I said it." Elizabeth looked at the locked door.

   "I'm going to ask Security Puppet if they have the key, or knows where it is." Chris said. Lefty nodded in acknowledgement.

   Charlie looked around for a vent to crawl through, to see if she could get into the supply closet that way.

   Elizabeth took her pin out of her hair and tried to pick the lock with it.

   Chris walked back over to Security Puppet. "The door's locked." He said.

   Security Puppet hands over the key. "Return it when you're done." She told him.

   Charlie found a vent and crawled in.

'Til The End Of Time (FNAF AU)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ