thirty-four | lost trust

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"You really left him there alone?!" "What could I do?" Taehyung sighed and held my wrist, pulling me somewhere in the school grounds that was more quiet.

"Did anything happen?" he asked quietly. I bit my lip and looked down, so he wouldn't see my eyes tearing up. I nodded, then, panicked, he asked, "What happened?"

"He hurt himself again..." "...WHAT?!" A tear rolled down my cheek and I quickly wiped it away with my sleeve. "Wh... it was that bad? That he-"

He suddenly stopped talking, and I looked up to see him staring wide eyed past me. I turned around, and my heart stopped beating for a moment.

There, standing there was none other than Jimin himself. With clenched fists and eyes that could kill, he stared right at me.

I couldn't say anything. I was still processing what just happened.

Before I could though, Jimin grabbed my wrist and pulled me somewhere else. Pushing me against a tree, he slammed his fist right next to my face on the tree, making me flinch.

He stared at me, as if staring right into my soul. His glaring eyes and chest rising and going down, and his heavy breathing clearly told me that he was really mad right now.

"Since when has he known?" he asked in an angry tone, which scared me even more.

"Tell me" "...A... a while now..." I said quietly, scanning his facial expression for any mood change.

"I thought I told you not to tell anyone." I stayed silent, I didn't know what to say. He was right, but it also helped that someone other than me knew.

"I trusted you! How could you tell him?!" I flinched at his loud tone and looked down, my eyes tearing up even more than before.

He scoffed before starting to talk again. "I thought I could trust you, but I guess you're just like everyone else. You-"

Taehyung grabbed Jimin's arm and pulled him back harshly.

"Stop it, it's not her fault. I found out by myself, she only confirmed it after I bugged her to tell me."

Jimin looked at him with an uninterested expression, before pulling his arm free and walking off.

Taehyung sighed and turned around, running up to Jimin. He caught him by the wrist this time, turning him around.

"You're being unreasonable now. Why do you want to be alone? And your attitude has changed too."

Jimin stared at him with a blank look before saying, "What do you expect? Me to be all giddly and happy after what happened? I'm pretty sure you know what happened, so give me a break!"

He tried to pull his wrist free but Taehyung only tightened his grip.

"Let go will you?!" "No I'm not!!" His sudden yell caught Jimin off guard for a second, before he plastered his face with that blank look once again.

"Im not letting you be alone, especially after-" He froze mid-sentence, but Jimin already knew what he was going to say. "After what? Say it."

Taehyung looked away then Jimin pulled his wrist free harshly. "Try and stop me, let's see if you can."

Taehyung looked back at him panicked, watching as the older walked off. He badly wanted to stop him, be there for him and not let him do anything that he'll regret.

But he was pretty sure that it was no use.

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