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Draco followed me out as I walk strongly down the hall.
"What are you talking about?"
"Luna, someone has locked her in that cellar for weeks and I'm not going to let that happen."
"Stop, you can't do this, you can't just keep killing people?"
"Kill? No Draco, I'm just going to cause them a lot of pain." Then he actually grabs my hand and stops me.
"Ells stop, is this really what you want to do? Keep hurting people?" Draco said.
"Well..." I turned and looked at him.
"Go back to school." He said.
"What?" I said very confused.
"Get your books, your going back. You shouldn't be around this, i want you to go back to school." Rosie walked up behind Draco.
"It's a good idea, Ells. Draco is right, go back, it may be dangerous but for now it's better there for you than here. Come on get your stuff, your going back."  Rosie says.
"But, Luna.............. I have to know?" I stumbled.
"Ells, they are going to Hogwarts at some point and then we will be there with you but you gotta go" Draco hugged me and I agreed. I was going back to Hogwarts.

"Nakayi wanna come?" I asked as I put my stuff in my bag.
"Of course! I'm not letting you go alone. Do your parents know?"
"Yes Draco told my parents and Rosie told my 'father'" I said with quotation marks.
"Ready?" She said.
"Yes, let's go." I said goodbye to my parents and Voldemort, he told me that they would be coming to Hogwarts soon. I really have realised that I don't want it be a death eater, hurting and killing people isn't right and I don't want to be part of this.

I got back to school and it was so different. These where such dark times and without Draco I just didn't like it. Even some of my friends where avoiding me like Hannah and Sam and Rebecca. I don't know why but I just didn't ever see them and I had no idea why, the only one who didn't distance herself was Nakayi, she was also the only one who was back at school with me. Tami wasn't with us she was back at Malfoy manor and I want to tell you what happened on the first night back.

I was sitting in the common room and seriously even the Slytherin where staying from me. There was a clear 'ring' around me and no one would come near me except Nakayi who was there sipping her tea —loudly—.
"Ells, it's fine just ignore them." Nakayi said.
"No. No it isn't. I'm going to bed." I got up and walked out. I sat on the window looking out over the dark lake that the common room is next to, I think about what my plan is, and if I need one or I just do it. Do what I hear you ask? This.
"Ells!" Nakayi walked in. "Maybe this was a bad idea, do you want to go back?"
"No, no it's fine, but Nakayi I have to tell you some thing and you can't tell anyone else."
"Yes of course Ells you can tell me anything." She sat on her bed and looked at me.
"I have to die."

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