Hi, this is my backstory

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(Just before we start the story I want say that my friend wrote a amazing story and that is the storyline I'm using it's called never thought I'd fall for the bad boy, so go read that after this because I don't want to be a copycat and passing something else off as my own! Ok, on with the story!!)

Hey, I'm Eliana Malfoy. Let's start with why you might recognise that name, my brother is Draco Malfoy. Well, I'm his younger sister (only by a year though). Our relationship has always been complicated, pitted against each other as children to see who can be the best. But we had that in common, learning how to be what our parents expected of us, how to be extraordinary, no faults, no flaws, no cracks or mistakes. It was exhausting sometimes, but we'd be exhausted together until we eventually learned how to deal with it.

My father is Lucius and my mother is Narcissa. They had different approaches to parenting, well, at least mother was present. Father would be away a lot, or he would just choose not to see us, except when he had to, or when he would tell us off for not getting that final mark in a test. Honestly, it felt like the only time I saw him would be when he would tell me to do something better. You get the idea, he wasn't the most positive parental figure in my life. My mother was still very discerning, teaching me how to be 'ladylike' and such, but at least she was there. A little less 'you're a failure and embarrassment to our family' and a little more 'don't make this mistake again, try harder next time', which isn't brilliant but it's much better than the first.

Obviously we live in Malfoy manor, the hundreds of years old family home. It's beautiful and absolutely huge, which was amazing for me because it meant loads of sneaking around and secret passages.

Look, enough of that, you'll hear about my home later. This story starts on is the day I leave for Hogwarts, school of witchcraft and wizardry.

"How are you feeling?" Draco whispered to me as we are driving to Diagon alley.

"Very good. I have high hopes for this year" I say looking at him. When we got to Diagoneg and we go in the book store to get some of my books I'll need. Draco introduces my father and I to Harry Potter, the chosen one.

Everyone and their owl knows who this boy is, rightfully so, he somehow killed Voldemort. But all I've been told is he's a stuck up, self-centred boy who doesn't stop talking about his scar. I've been instructed by Draco to not go near him.

As he is talking to Harry my father says "Draco, go with your sister to get her wand, I want to talk with these people."

Me and Draco walk out and go to Olivanders. It's so old it's got dust on every surface, but I couldn't care less, I'm about to get my wand. Probably the most important moment of my life so far.

"Miss Malfoy," Olivander spoke, "I've been waiting for you. Finally, all the Malfoy's will have one of my wands. Come, come." He gestured towards him so I followed. "It's obvious what you'll want."

My brow furrowed as I watched him know into boxes and stop at one abruptly. "Or perhaps it's not so obvious. No, no it's not." He pulled out a box. "Here,"

"It's not going to blow up, is it?" I asked, looking at it skeptically.

"I've never been more certain."

"Alright." I took the lid off and picked up it up. It was a dark wood with tiny carvings of vines wrapping around the wands going upwards. It had hints of gold on the little leaves carved into it.

"Wave it." He instructed.

Ok? I raised my eyebrows as I flicked it forward, causing a few wands to burst out from the cupboard.

"Hah, amazing." I smiled.

"Quite." He looked behind him unsurely. "You have a strong connection, I'm not surprised, it's dragon heartstring. You shouldn't find it difficult at all to get used to using your wand, it clearly matches with you very well."

"Okay, okay. We need to go." Draco stepped forward.

"Somebody jealous?"

"I'd never be." He argued back.

"Sure." I chuckled.


After I had got everything, I had to lug all my books to the platform where we met my father.

"Well, I hope to hear from you." He said, showing his trademark no emotion.

"I shall write to you."

"Do make sure your sister settles in nicely, Draco."

"Of course, father." He nodded once, holding his breath. "We must go." Draco turned to me. "Goodbye, father."

"Goodbye." I said before Draco pulled me away and to the train.

I walk with Draco too the train and get on, we go sit with his friends, Crabb and Goyle, who I don't have a good feeling I'll be spending much of my year with them, they're very slow. I couldn't do this all year, the only reason Draco does is because they make him feel smart. Which is understandable as it's working. I stared at the window as we started moving... it's finally happening. I'm going to Hogwarts!

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