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Just like many I have an enemy and I nearly killed him once, this is that story. (Buzzfeed haha)

So it was my 2nd year and just like Draco I have an enemy and I hated HATED FRICKING HATED him, his name is Miles. He is also a Slytherin and from a wealthy family, and he has come to Malfoy Manor before, it makes me laugh, our parents think we would be a good couple, I have other ideas. When we first met I liked him, had a crush, but then he turned into a dick, he showed his true colours and I hated him, like I have never hated anyone before. It was one afternoon and I was just reading a book, our parents like I said are friends so they where over, they make us hang out because ya know, they think we would be a good couple, just like Pansy and Draco, also Pansy is his sister. "Ells, what are you reading?" He says "you know I came top in charms" "wooooow, I'm so impressed" I say very sarcastically "And I am so good at tests, I get top in all of them, and...." he goes on and on and on and on and I just want to scream SHUT THE FUCK UP all the time, like he is so dang annoying and he doesn't impress me, it's so annoying. After hours of this he says "you know your not probably good enough for me" and I just cannot take it and I stand up and face him, then I pull my wand out. "Ells, stop, you don't know what your doing, it's illegal to use magic out of school at your age" Draco says "Don't hurt my brother" Pansy says "I can't take it anymore, I don't care Miles, god your annoying, I wish, I wish, you where dead!" "ELLS! No, no, don't say it" Draco says coming over to me. "Aaaavaaaa" he grabs my arm as soon as possible and puts he hand over my mouth "Eleanor Malfoy" OMG, he used my full name, nobody calls me Eleanor, not The headmaster, not my parents, no one. "What the hell!! You are so much better than killing someone, how do you know that spell?" He says while tanking me into his room "when you where not here I read books, locked ones, with all sorts of spells, dangerous ones, like the killing curse." "I don't even know how to say how I feel, you are so much better than murder. Anyway, I think you have some apologies to say." Draco said as he pulls me back into the library where Miles was. "Ells, why?" Pansy says "apologise" Draco nudges me. "Sorry, Miles, I don't know what came over me, please don't tell my parents or yours" "thank you, I won't, but you owe me" Miles says. "Yer, same" Pansy said. "We are leaving now" Miles parents day and they leave.

"Ells, tell me the truth, why did you do it?" He says while I walk to my room and he grabs my arm. "Because I wanted too Draco, he was so annoying, going on and on about how he is better than me and I could not take it! He drives me insane, all the FRICKING time, and I just wanted it to end. Now I'm going to to some homework." I say locking the door of my room. Also you don't want to know what that favour was. But I'll tell you anyway.

"Ells" Miles says in the new year. "Whaaaaaaaat do you what!" I say, also Nakaii is there "I want that favour" "what favour?" Nakaii said. "You beat me at top of the class, that hurts, so I'm going to make you do the one thing you would hate the most?" "Hurry up get to the point i don't have that much time" "Kiss me." Fuck no, I hate him. "No" "yes, or do you want me to tell everyone what you did to me." "What did you do?" Nakaii is so confused "no, Miles, no" "well then" he runs up and stands on some stone. "Eve" he starts yelling "Stop" I say pulling him back and I kiss him, it was the worst thing I ever have done, it was so gross. "Hah, you actually did it, I guess for now I'll  keep the secret." He smirks and walks off as I walk to the common room. "Ells, what did you do to him?" Nakaii asked "I nearly killed him, I know the killing curse and I nearly killed him, and no one can know" "what" I hear from behind me, oh god, it's Snape.

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