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"Draco if we hand Harry over to the dark Lord everything will be forgiven" my father whispered to Draco as 'Harry' sat in front of us, he didn't look like Harry though only me and Draco could tell.
"Draco Draco" Bellatrix whispered as she held Harry's head back, I didn't want to be the one to say or not so I just stood back from it and watched at Draco chose good and shook his head.
"Take em to the seller" Bella said as they where taken down, the Cellar is a dungeon basically, yes malfoy manor has a ballroom and a dungeon and secret passages, I live in a exciting house. I went down there a little after they had been taken.

"Luna?" I said as I put my hands on the frozen bars, told you it's a dungeon. She ran up
"Ells?" We kissed through the bars.
"Your gay?" Ron said.
"Bi." I snarled at him and opened the door.
"How did you get here?" I said.
"We were found and brought here can you help us Ells? Or are you on there side." Harry asked me.
"I......I don't know but....." I started getting flustered, I had to choose now good or bad, and well. We heard screaming from upstairs
"Please Ells, please they aren't good people and we need you" Luna told me as someone appeared, it was Dobby.
"Dobby?!" I said. "Long time no see how are you doing" I opened the door to the 'basement' (which was really a dungeon) and smiled at Dobby.
"What are you doing here?" Harry says.
"Dobby will always be here for Harry Potter"
"Ok guys I will help you" I smiled at them.
"Thank you Ells, can you please help Hermione?" Harry said.
"The mudblood? Fine, but I won't be able to get you that long." I left the door open and went back up the stairs.

I was too late to save her, she was alive but she lay on the floor as I walked up the stairs.
"Ells where have you been?" My mother said.
"It doesn't matter, why is Hermione there?" I stuttered, I hoped she was alive because to win I would have to die and she needs to be here, I'm not dying for nothing. Me dying I will explain much later. Anyway so, I stood over with my parents and Draco as Bellatrix continued to insult and hurt Hermione, Ron couldn't take it so he ran up and Bella held a knife to Hermione's throat. Harry also ran up.
"Ah there the boy who lived all shiny and new. Call him" Bella turned her head round to my father. He walked up and started to call him, you use your dark mark or something I'm not really sure, and while he did we heard a squeaky noise and everyone looked up. Dobby is unscrewing the chandelier!! It starts to fall and we all run, Hermione runs over to Harry.
"Stupid Elf! You could have killed me!" Bellatrix yelled and rightly so.
"What the frick Dobby!! That is savage!! You Ligit dropped a chandelier on us!! You could have killed us all!" I screamed at him.
"Dobby never meant to kill, Dobby only wanted to mame or seriously hurt."
"Yer that's pretty similar to kill Dobby! God, this is some revenge" I look up and down at the broken glass on the floor.

So, Bellatrix threw a knife into where Dobby was apperating so it hit may have hit him I'm not sure.
"You let him get away!" I said turning round. "Now I have something I need to do." I say walking out.
"What?" Draco said.
"You don't mess with my friends and if you do, I mess back."

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