Back too work

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So, life has been quite......weird? I came out and then I went back too school after Christmas, I was so excited!

Our defence against the dark arts teacher is so annoying, he is so full of himself. But it's nice too see my friends, yes, friends, I have more than 1 friend, Rosie is not my only friend, like my best friend Nakaii, she is in my year! Oh, I'm also friends with some Hufflepuffs, I'll tell you the story of how I met them.

Me and Nakaii where playing with a ball we found just before I was going too go to quidditch practice. so we were playing and she throws it behind us we run and it rolls next too 2 people wearing Hufflepuff robes.

"Can I have that back please?" I say

"Yes, of corse!" The girl said.

"You're pretty nice for a Slytherin" this blond boy said.

"What does that mean?" Nakaii asked.

"Well, all Slytherins are evil, so you're pretty nice for one!" I burst into laughter!

"You think all Slytherins are evil, do you?" I say still laughing, "you're so funny."

"Want to join our game?" Nakaii says.

"Sure, I'm Hannah"

"And I'm Sam" he introduces himself.

"I'm Ells and this is Nakaii," I noticed the time. "Oh, sorry, I would love too stay and talk but I'm nearly late for practice, you can come and watch if you want?" I tell them grabbing my broom and putting my hair up in a high ponytail.

"Yeah, sure" Hannah says and we walk off together.

A while later...

"Hey guys, what did you think?" I say too them covered in dirt after falling off my broom!

"You were so good! Nobody can beat you, too bad you're just a sub!" Nakaii says.

"Hey, Ells" Rosie came over because she has been watching.

"Who are these guys?"

"I have more friends than just you!" I laughed. "This is Hannah and Sam, they are Hufflepuffs and this is Nakaii she is one of my best friends."

"Oh, cool! Me and Draco are going too go back to the common room now, see you later!" Rosie and Draco walk off and Sam says the most random thing..

"Hey, you know I'm a time lord that owns a police box that's bigger inside."


"Yeah, my parents are time lords so I'm a time lord and they own a police box so I guess I do too."

"Wait so, your not muggleborn but not pure blood?" I say still walking up too the school.

"Yeah, you got it!" He says.

Ok, I have some weird friends! I'll tell you more about my friends later!


(Also yes doctor who crossover because why not!!!!)

Living and loving with darknessМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя