More like him

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So, I killed someone else. I have started to become more like Voldemort and I'm not trying, it's just happening and I don't know how to stop.

"Did you get my note?" I said to Rebecca, I snuck her in because I need to do something's he I needed her to be there too.
"Good come on and be quiet" I lead her to my room and handed her my old Slytherin robe.
"Why do I need this" she asked.
"Put it on, I want you to be here but obviously they can't know your ravencalaw, you need to act more Slytherinie" she looked at me so confused!
"What? Why? Ells what are you up too?" I looked at her and smirked, then I knocked on my wall and it opened and there sat tied up Felix.
"Oh my god Felix!" She laughed.
"Mmmmmm" he struggled.
"We are going to kill you" i crouched down next to him and laughed —evilly—. I pulled down the thing covering his mouth and he said
"Your sick, you won't get away with this"
"Oh honey, I already have" I stood up and kicked him.
"So what is the plan?" Rebecca asked me.
"We let him go. He can run around for a bit and then we catch him and he dies."
"What if we don't find him?"
"Oh we will, now Felix you can go...." I say untying his hands, he gets up and runs out my room.
"I will get you!" Felix said before jumping down the stairs frantically.
"Sure he will" we laughed. She put the robe on and took the blue ribbon out her hair and replaced it with a green one.

Awhile later.....
I was sitting casually in the ballroom with Rebecca sipping tea, loudly. My mother and father then Draco walked in, then Bellatrix and some others walked in as well.
"What are you doing here? And who is this?" Asked my father.
"Oh sipping tea and waiting for someone to arrive, and this is Rebecca my friend."
"Who?" My mother asked as someone came up the stairs and it was Felix.

"Oh hi Felix I was waiting for you, what took you so long? Would you like some tea?" Everyone was so confused except me and Rebecca.
"Oh no time for tea let's just get on with this" She said getting up and getting her wand out.
"Wait what is going on?" My mother asked.
"This is Felix, and he is very very extremely annoying, he hasn't done much to me except mmmm let me list: been a dick to me" me and Rebecca took it in turns listing things he did to us until I finished with "and has caused me severe depression and anxiety." Yes he did that, that's why I hate him.
"He did what?!" My father said.
"Yes and now it's time to die, any last words?" I say in a sweet voice.
"Ells whatever I did to you is this really the way to go? I promise I'm sorry" he says.
"Boring last words but ok? Also it's to late for sorry." He looked at me and Rebecca nervously and pleased we didn't do this but we still put our wands to him.
"Fine then kill me, but if you wanted to you would have already and you suck!" Wow he is confident, haha not for long sucka.
"But you swallow. 1...." I started to count.
"2" Rebecca said.
"3! AVADA KERDARBRA" we shouted together as the spell came from our wands and the green power flew to his body surrounding it and then he fell backwards.

"Ells! You just killed him!" My mother said.
"Eh? He was a Griffindor and like I said caused me a lot of pain, he deserved that. Now why are you in here?"
"Now why are you here?"
"They think Harry Potter is here."

Yer this is dark I know calm down.

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