Your doing what?!

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It's now 3rd year and the tri wizard torment is happening also there is a new teacher that seems a little too nice to me. Not like flirting weird, that would be so weird, but just strange.

Hogwarts has said that we are hosting the tournament. 

It was crazy, people were putting their names in the goblet. And finally it came time to announce who was going to be in it.

"Cedric Diggory!" Dumbledore shouts, that's Nakaii's crush. "Victor Krum!" He is kinda famous. "Fleur Delacor!" Dumbledore finishes as he turns round but then another 2 papers fall out! "What! Harry Potter! And......Nakaii Fleux" he says so surprised and they are both rushed out.

"Nakaii how?"

She never put her name into the goblet, why would her name be in there?

I went to run after her but Draco grabs my hand "Ells, no, it's a bad idea."

"Draco, she is my friend, she will die if she does this!" He kept my arm.

"The teacher will deal with it, Ells, they will kick you out of the room." Rosie convinced me, I sat back down.

A little later in mine and Nakaii's dorm.

"Ells, what do I do? I didn't put my name in!" She walked around the room in a panic.

"Of course you didn't, I thought you had to be 17! There is nothing we can do, it's magically binding. It has to happen." I say in a low voice, so scared for her.

"Why me? Is there a reason? My family have not been involved in anything I know of, I haven't done anything wrong, who would be after me?" She says while sitting on her bed.

"I have no idea, right now we just have to keep you alive." I say getting in my bed and getting my book out.

"Well, I have my interview tomorrow, will you come with me?"

"Yes, anything." She turns her light off and I read for awhile. She hasn't done anything, her family... I don't know. The only link to anything she has is... me.

In the morning...

"Ells, wake up we have too go in 10 minutes!" Nakaii shakes me awake and I get ready quickly, I grab my jacket. We went to where the interviews where, and you know who was the interviewer....fucking Rita Skita!

She is so annoying and you know why because the next day I looked at the paper and the cover was something about Harry and his parents... I think.

Anyway, the pictures where taken interviews done and the next day was the first competition.

I was so scared for her because I heard it's dragons! Draco made pins that say 'Potter will lose' I didn't wear one because I'm on the side of Nakaii and no one else, also I feel bad for him he didn't ask for this. This is when my arm hurt?

"Rosie, Rosie!" I say running after her in the morning of the tournament.

"Hey, Ells, how you doin?"

"Rosie, you need too come with me right now!" I pull her into my dorm and say.

"My arm hurts." I'm so nervous for what's happening.

"So you brought me here to tell me your arms hurting?" She laughed.

"I think you know what I'm talking about" I say as I pull up my left sleeve, the mark somehow has a black outline and I have no idea why?

"Oh, yes, ugh I thought I could be done with this but yes, it has been hurting a little" she says pulling hers up.

"Should we tell anyone?" I say to her

"No, no one can do. Let's leave it, it will go away" we both know though something bad is going to happen, this doesn't happen on coincidence. We both leave and I meet up with Nakaii in the tent down at the arena.

"How are you feeling?"

"Not good, why is this happening to me?" She says while shacking. I hug her, I'm as scared as her.

"Come here, the first challenge is dragons, there is an egg they are protecting and you must get it, choose a bag and it has a dragon in it whatever one you get is the one you will be fighting."

Nakaii gets a yellow spicky one.

"You'll be fine, I'm sure." I try to convince her, and myself. I hug her I see a flash.

"Malfoy girl doesn't want her friend too go into the arena, this could make the front page if something bad happens" Rita looks down at the paper, I look at Nakaii, I know I will have too say something if I don't want this too go on so I go up to her and say

"Will you just stop! My friend could die!"

"This could be an even better front page! Take a picture of her" she says to her camera man.

"God, please get the egg and get out, I will be waiting for you."

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