25~ Kisses and cases

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QQTD: "No one is born hating another person because of the colour of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite."



After going to our room after lunch, I decided to ask Siddharth, finally, if he's the one who beat Raghav to death. He was sitting on the edge of bed as I went near him and stood fiddling with my fingers, not finding correct words to explain my feelings. He saw me and stood up.

"You beat Raghav didn't you?" I asked nervously. He sighed and looked down.

"Yes, I did. How do you, think that I will leave that bastard like that? He fucking tried to rape you Avneet. How can I see that?! The reason I was so angry on him is because, I saw the me in him. I would've killed him if it was not for Nan! If she didn't stop me, I would've." He said running a hand through his hair making them fall on his hair.

"You could've asked someone else to do it siddharth. What if something would've happened to you? I'm not saying that what you did was wrong, and it was absolutely correct. That bastard deserved it. But if people comes to know it was you, won't the cops come to you?" I asked almost tears in my eyes. However he is, he is my husband.

"No one will find it Avneet." He said cupping my face and leaving a kiss on my temple. "Do not stress out for the littlest thing. Even if the cops will find that it was me, I will tell them that, he tried rapping you and while I was helping you out, he tried to kill me, so all of this was in defense. And I'll be saved." He said casually shrugging. A smile broke my face. As soon as I smiled he did and crashed his lips on mine. I felt the same thing again, but it felt like there were millions of butterflies this time. The feeling always increases. It's not describable. I smiled into the kiss. He left, after kissing me on my forehead. "Do not worry. I'm there, yeah?" He said as I nodded. And he left for some work in his study.

It's weird how a few months ago, I was the Avneet who used to get beaten up by her legal parents. Who used to get treated like a freakin maid in her own house. And now? I feel so blessed. I mean, I might not have the best married life, but I have the best people surrounding me. And that's what matters to me the most. I never thought I'll be kissing someone like this. I always dreamt it to be my dream boy. Someone who loves me, but it is Siddharth. Who doesn't even know what love is. But I'm glad it's him and no one else. I'm so so happy that I got married to him. After marrying my life flipped, for good. I never have never thought this life will be ever possible for me to live. But thankfully, the only good decision the Sharma's took. I'm glad that they did. I miss mom and dad. It would be such a delight for them to see me happy. I hope they are proud of me. I want to show them, that my life had been changed and for good.

I love you mom, I love you dad. I love you so much. More than I miss you. You are my support system. I never thought I would have to live without you. I never did. But destiny, uhh, why is destiny so mean? It takes something from us and says it is for your good! What good happened that you left me? Nothing i bet. I just got Jai in my life. And about Siddharth he would however be in my life, as we were friends.


I came home running for library, since Jai wanted to talk to me about something important. He seemed very stressed and angry. I opened the door and saw Siddharth and Jai sitting on the couch busy in a deep discussion. Their attention pivoted towards me when the heard the me enter I guess.

"What happened Jai?" I asked confused as I kept my bag on the table and someone came and gave me a glass of water. I took a sip of it.

"Avu, I-I am sorry." He said looking down as he came towards me following Siddharth.

"Wh-what do you mean? Why are you sorry Jai?" I asked very scared and confused about what he has done. He didn't answer me as I went near him and shook him.

"Avneet, I- it's my parents fault. I didn't thought they would be so cruel. I couldn't even help you with anything." He said looking very, very guilty.

"Okay, Jai, I have no idea what are you talking about, but it's not your fault at all. You have understand this okay." I said cupping his face as he nodded at me. "Is anyone gonna explain me exactly why are you here?"

"I-I heard Mr and Mrs Sharma talking, that they should've killed you with, your mom and dad." He said looking everywhere but my eyes. Does this mean?! I was right all the fücking time. I just didn't realise this earlier. I tear left my eyes as u was about to collapse when someone wrapped their arms around me. I initially thought it to be Jai but not at all to my surprise it was Siddharth. He hugged me and I let out a sob.

"I was right all the time, but I didn't look for it. They killed my parents. Siddharth they killed them." I cried as he still held me.

"Shh, shh." He said as he ran a hand through my hair.

"I won't to file a complaint against them." I said as I wiped my tears and got out of the hug. I saw both of them smile gloomily.

"That's like my sister. But I've gotta go to the hostel. I can't come, I was going to go but than I heard and couldn't keep myself from telling you this. But I gotta go sista." He said as I hugged him and nodded.

"It's alright Jai, she doesn't even have to go to the police station. I'll handle all of it." Siddharth said looking at me and Jai nodded. They shared a bro hug and he left after side hugging me and kissing my forehead. I saw Siddharth coming towards me and I hugged him immediately. He wrapped his arms around my waist. "You do not need to take tension Avneet. I'm there as I said, yeah?" He said and I nodded. He let the hug go and whipped my tears. I smiled at him as he smiled back. "I'll tell someone to file the case, don't worry." He said and smiled.

"But, how will they file a case like that I mean-" he cut me off.

"Well, no one can deny Siddharth Nigam so, if they do, they can get suspended." He said smirking at me as I shook my head in amusement and chuckled. The Siddharth Nigam won't ever change.

Sidneetians. What's up?

Firstly, thank you so much for 26k+ reads and 3k+ votes. Every read, vote and comment is appreciated.

Looks like someone's back with the regular updates. How was today's by the way.

And finally Avneet became a woman and filed a case against her parents' murders. I'm proud of her and so should you.

Go and find yourself a Siddharth Nigam like the one in my book if you can. I bet you won't be able to. Because he is a pure gem.

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Love love.

Please do comment and tell me how it is going. Positive and negative both are welcomed you can pm me or comment here as well.

Written on: 15th October 2020

Published on: 15th October 2020

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