8~ Drama

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QOTD: In the end I would rather be able to say I loved too much than not enough.



"First of all, yes I looked at him twice, just because I saw him having a very heavy and a weird make out session with a girl outside. And I never said I'm beautiful if you think I am than I don't have any objections I that. And about all of that thing which Arishfa told you, I'm still a virgin. And I wonder how can I sleep with half of the boys in my college and still be a virgin. And remember that, even if we don't love each other, I would never cheat. Mark my words, never. I don't care what he does, but my parents never taught me to cheat on anyone." I completed saying, I mean, clearing all of her doubts. I don't know from where did I got this courage to speak up but I can't believe I actually said all of this. I'm proud of myself for this.

"The drama is over, back to work everyone." Nan said resulting devil to go back to his room and everyone else getting back to their works except Arishfa.

"You are such a bitch! I don't believe you! HE IS MY BOYFRIEND, I LOVE HIM. HE WILL NEVER CHEAT ON ME!" She said shouting on the top of her voice. Bitch! She is gonna tear my eardrums apart.

"Exactly! You love him. Does he?" I asked her.

"Just fuck off! I don't wanna listen to your nuisance." She said stormed off. Well I don't give a fuck to whatever she does. I don't care. Why would I? Only because she is my sister in law, I told her.

"Come on girl! You rocked it!" Nina said and hugged me.

"Dude, I myself don't know how did I said all of that." I said.

"I know right! You are such a badass bitch!" Nina said and I laughed.

"I wish I had such courage everywhere but anyways." I said and we continued talking. I went upstairs to the room. I saw there was no one. He might be in his study prolly. I sat in the balcony on one of the coziest chair ever, admiring the sunset. I smile crept on my face. This life isn't way too bad except for the devil. Arishfa is also manageable, but Mr devil, not in this life at least. I'll have to born again to manage him. Lmao. I'm sarcastic ass. Am I? Of course. But this place is so soothing. This reminds me of the time me, mom and dad used to sit in our deck and observe the nature's beauty. A tear escaped my eyes. I wiped it. I miss them so freaking much. I don't know, but I still miss Sharma house.

Like, they used to treat me like shit, but I still miss that environment. Even thou this place is Soothing AF. But I'm adapted to that place. It'll take a pinch of time for me to adapt with things over here. This place isn't that bad. I love it. I always expected a life like this. I miss those days with maa and papa. I wish I could live that again. I am adopted, to the worst family ever. I miss Vaish, Abhi and aunty too. They used to be a nice company. Why do people whom I love starts leaving me? Am I that bad? Or my fate is? Jai always says to not curse my faith, but that's all I can do. I can't blame anyone for my condition. No one. If I ever have to, I'll blame the Sharma's , of course.

They would be the one and only responsible. But still I hate the fact that I have to face a lot of shit everyday. Life is boring. For me at least. For other people it might be an adventure everyday. But for me, it's the same thing I do everyday. And now, I don't do anything. Nothing I repeat, nothing. I don't have to do dishes, I don't have to mop or broom the floor, I don't have to cook. I can't breathe. This room is toxic. But the deck only isn't. This is the only place in his room which has some liveliness. Everything else seems to be dead. If I get a chance to renovate it, I would happily add colours to this room.

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