14~ Meets

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See that person up there? I Stan him!❤️
QQTD: Life is not worth living till you find someone or something to die for



It's been three days since I went back home. And surprisingly, Satan has been literally behaving properly with me. No taunts, no harming words, no touching nothing. He even I asked me to sleep on the couch. I know that he is just showing some sympathy towards me because of my past, but anyways he is improving his attitude towards me, that matters the most at the moment.

Just another normal day, as I was talking to Nina about her date with Alan yesterday. They both really seem to be in love but aren't admitting it. Well, I'm not gonna help them. Let them just realise their true feelings towards each other.

"And he literally kissed me!" Nina said squealing. I giggled at her.

"That's great isn't it?" I asked. She smiled and nodded.

"What are you talking about?" Arishfa cake and sat on the empty chair beside me. We were in the backyard the moment.

"Just Nina kissing her boyfriend on the beach yesterday." I said smirking at her. I could literally see her faded blush come back.

"Oh wow! So taking your relationship to another step huh?" She said smiling at her. Arishfa grew really close to us. In fact even Nina has been a great company. We could literally talk for hours and hours. Nina nodded at her still blushing. We laughed on the tomato we saw nodding her head.

"The dinner is ready!" I heard Nan shout from inside. We all went in.

"Where is Siddharth? Haven't seen him the whole day." Arishfa said taking her seat.

"I don't know." Nina said sitting.

"Do you know where he is Avneet?" Arishfa asked looking at me. Of course I do! I know everything. He does everything only after taking my permission. I just shook my head instead of ranting. She sighed and turned her plate as the servants started serving us.

"Ma'am you've got a call." Some lady came putting her hand on the cordless.

"For me?" I asked.

"The person said, she wants to talk to Avneet." She said looking down.

"Umm, okay." I nodded and took the phone. "Hello?" I asked. There wasn't any reply. "Hello?" I said stretching "o".

"Hi Avneet." I heard a lady, almost sobbing whisper through the phone.

"May I know who is speaking?" I asked.

"It's me Avneet, Nirmal, your nims, you forgot me?" I heard the voice. As soon as she said. Tears started forming in the corner of my eyes.

"Nims." I said almost a whisper as I wiped my tears and smiled.

"I missed you so much Avneet." I heard her whisper again.

"I missed you too." I said. The last time I saw her was when I was 14. And probably she too thought I'm dead.

"Can you please come outside the door and ask these guards to let me in." She said crying. Wait is she outside. I went outside running. I opened the door and went towards our driveway. I saw her standing there. I went towards her and hugged her. Tears started flowing out involuntarily. She released the hug and wiped my tears and kissed my forehead. I took her inside and gave her some water.

"Who is this Avneet?" Arishfa asked smiling.

"This is my Mom's mom. And my nims." I said smiling, tears still formed in my eyes. I told them everything about my past. So it's no more a mystery. And I still don't want to file any complaint about the Sharma's.

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