29~ Killed

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QOTD: "Love and hate are such strong words, they also cause much pain."



Siddharth's POV
It's been four days since we went to shopping and Avneet is ignoring me. She isn't even talking to Arishfa or Nina the way she used to. I don't know what's wrong with her. I need to ask her. But she is ignoring me how will I come to know what's wrong? I heard my phone ring getting me out of my thoughts.

"Yes?" I asked coldly.

"Sir, Mr. And Mrs. Sharma are arrested. There will be some formalities for which you have and Mrs. Nigam would have to come to the police station." A man across the phone said as I hummed and hanged the phone. Okay, I gotta tell her this. I went to my room closing the door of my study behind. I saw her reading book. She has been reading a lot these days. I smiled looking at her figure from a distance. This girl, oh god Siddharth concentrate.

"Avneet." I said softly but she didn't even move. "Avneet are you listening me?" I asked increasing my voice a bit. But she didn't look back. I went near her and held her forearm. "What's wrong with you Avneet? Why are you ignoring me? What is happening? All of sudden you started ignoring me? Everything was going smooth than what's wrong?" I asked out of anger as she whined. I realised that my hand would be hurting her. I quickly took my hand back to myself. I sighed and cupped her face. "Okay, what's wrong? You know you can tell me everything, yeah?" I asked again but her gaze was fixed on the tiles. "Okay fine. If you don't wanna say, it's alright but I want to tell you something." I said but she didn't even look up at me.

"Avneet I said I want to tell you something!" I shouted again loosing my temper.

"Yeah, and what do you wanna say? That you kissed some girl at the coffee shop? Are something more painful for me than that?" She asked looking at me with tears flowing out, I should've told her earlier. Oh god! This is gonna lead me to a lot of trouble.

"Y-you S-saw?" I asked not really digesting it. She let out a humourless chuckle. My hand made its way to my hair in frustration.

"Siddharth the least I expected in this relationship was, respect and loyalty. But, no. I guess I do not deserve someone like you. I knew this was all an act of sympathy, and not hearing to myself I heard others who said that no, siddharth has changed, he is no more the Siddharth we knew. I fought with myself to fund an answer for this. But I guess I landed on the wrong answer. Because it was the either way. Siddharth Nigam can never change. For once I thought my life is going to be not perfect, but somewhere close. And there you where, kissing some girl in a coffee shop. I never at least expected this. What did I ask for? Nothing right? Just a place to live and food and water to survive. Nothing else. You could've asked me to give you divorce if you were not happy with this relationship. I would've given you, not happily but willingly after knowing that, you, you..." She sighed at the lack of her words as her eyes were filled with tears.

"Siddharth, I didn't... Tbh, after you cared for me, maybe, you changed for me, I didn't expected this." She said with tears in her eyes.

"Avneet I don't know why am I even telling you all this, it's not like what you see." I said...

"I saw you kissing her siddharth. I never cheated on you. Actually it's my fault I shouldn't have ever trusted you, I'm sorry." She said tears running down through she eyes. As she says they come at the most wrong time.

"Avneet I wasn't kissing her." I said again trying to defend.

"You kissing her, or her kissing you is the same thing. And actually it doesn't matter. You enjoyed it. I saw that. I'm sorry siddharth. I started falling for the wrong person. I thought you've changed. You are a beast. And you can treat me like you use to do. I'm used to it. " She said bursting all her frustration out. "I saw you kissing her back, what else do I need to know?"

"Okay, listen here Avneet, it's not what it looks like, I should've told you this earlier but I was jumbled." I said trying to hold her by her shoulders but she jerked my hands away.

"Please siddharth, you do not need to give me any explanation. You are the Siddharth Nigam. Everyone respects you. Even I do. And I'm sorry, if did anything wrong with you. If I ever couldn't fulfil your wishes." She said and went out of the room. I sat on the bed. I should've told her everything. But now everything is messed up. Everything is. Oh god, I hate it. My life sucks. Why me god why me? I wanted to tell her this but, i just couldn't, I couldn't find exact words to convey her this. What am I supposed to do now? She thinks I am a cheat. She isn't even listening to me. And I hurted her again. I hate myself more now. As if I've ever Loved me. I've always hated myself for doing what not with others. But I've never felt so bad. This girl makes me want to change for her. I don't know how am I supposed to mend this. Only if she accepts to listen to me once, I hope she believes me with what I say.

"Siddharth!" Arishfa came running upstairs to my room.

"What?" I said coldly.

"Avneet ran outside the house, crying very badly, did you say something to her?" She asked getting angry.

"What the fuck?! She ran outside? Do you know where she went?" I asked going down.

"No, I don't. But what's happening Siddharth?! Will you tell me?" She asked as I ignored her and too my keys and went out running. I sat in my car and drove to what not place to find her. After almost half n hour, I gave up. I walked down the streets finding answers to my own question. I tried finding her but, she is nowhere to be seen. My phone rang. I was about to cut the call but it was Jai.

"Hello?" I said softly.

"What the fuck did you do to my sister?!" He shouted to the phone.

"You found her?" I asked with hope in my voice.

"Siddharth you almost killed her today!" He said shouting at me. What does he mean by that?

"What do you mean by I almost killed her Jai?!" I asked.

Sidneetians. What's up?

So yup. What do you think might've happened to her? Did she almost kill herself?

How did Jai come to know about all this? Well, let's find out in the next chapter.

Wow, like 3 chapters in 24 hours, cool isn't it?

I hope no one hates Siddharth because his part of the story is still remaining. No spoilers but.

So, see you tomorrow maybe? Ahh, I so wish I could see those lovely faces behind those lovely comments. But anyways, thank you for 4K votes. I love y'all. <3

And now when I look at number of chapters, I can see only one or two chapters coming, after that a nice author's note and than, epilogue. Ahh, I'm so gonna miss this book.

And to everyone asking me if I'm gonna write another one after this, plans were to write but since I have to write Tale of Love, I kinda dropped the plan. Maybe I can, I have even written two chapters of that book. And that's really special for me since it's has the most amazing people of my life. I might publish that book after I complete tale of love season 2 maybe. But if you are comfortable in reading hindi, you can read tale of love if you want. The first season is in Hindi. But by the end it is english. The second season is in English so Yaa. Much love to all of you for supporting me throughout.

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Written on: 20th October 2020

Published on: 20th October 2020

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