Ch 5: Royal Navy

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After talking with Thatch and Hornigold, We decided to use the Pearl in a battle, my eyes travel the sand as we walked. Ben was speaking but I had no care to listen. With every step the sand crunched. The Black Pearl sat at the dock, Flag hoisted high, waving in the wind.

Finally, we were sailing, Blackbeard glared over the water, a smirk forming "Royal Frigate, dead ahead!" he shouted, Cutler grinned, turning towards me "Captain, we can take her!" he grinned walking towards the crew, each crewmate gave a hardy roar, Thatch and I nodded to each other, as the cannons and mortar's roared with thunder, the fight was on. With every blast of the cannon, we moved closer. The waves began to pick up as a storm brewed, the drink wanted to swallow us whole. And I had no plans to sink.

(Might not be the best work, But hopefully you guys enjoy!)

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