Ch 4: Nassau

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After the soldiers signed on, the merchant ship was set free and the Spanish flag cut down, replaced with a black one. Cutler, with a smirk on his face turned to me "It seems the rum won them over Captain." A laugh broke through me as The Black Pearl sailed the west indies, soon Nassau was dead ahead, and in her bay was The Queen Anne's Revenge as well as the Benjamin "Alas, Nassau!" we all cheered, pulling in to dock.Once on land, I began to walk towards the center, knowing a tavern had to be around, finally, I found it and approached sitting aside Blackbeard and Hornigold. Ben looked towards me and smirked "I heard you took a brig Laury." only for him to get a grunt in return, Thatch grinned lowly before turning to face us "The ship is a fine one, I saw her myself."

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