Ch 25: A Waking Moment.

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~Unknown~ I gasp awake as I sit up, my head pounding and my body cold, the movement I made was not mine however. It was as if I had no control, but where am I? This room, it was familiar, "What are you going to do?" She asked, and I just shook my head "This could be my escape Maria.." my voice echoed, as if it was in a cave, and with a blink the room had vanished.

My eyes were blinded by the sun, and the sound of birds rang through my ears, this scene, I know it well, from the Helm of a ship. A Scotsman flag flying high, and then it hit me, This wasn't just any ship, It was Her.

Blinking again, I was in a muddy and bloody bar, and Adewale stood beside me, an offer worth the lives of thousands of men, all for one act. An act I did not know if I could do... "How could you leave me!" A piercing scream knocked me to the floor, and I was then on an island, waves at least 30 feet crashing together, wind howling as Maria stood above the waters, her clothes tattered, ripped and dirty, her face red with anger "We were meant to be a family!" with each word, the waves got rougher, and the wind harder, a storm began to rage, but my name was never said, Who am I? Where am I? I asked myself, only to receive silence.

"Maria! You have to understand! I did not ask for this!" I called out to the empty sea, slowly starting to walk towards it, my body moving on it's own. And then.. Darkness.

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