Chapter 16

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It's the perfect fall day in New York City. 

And it's her birthday. 

She'd gone most of her life not even knowing when her birthday was. Until Finn made it his personal mission to find out. Between him and Maz, their case worker, they'd finally uncovered it. 

Unfortunately, Maz could only give them the date, she wasn't allowed to pull the entire birth certificate from the health department.

So, technically, this was only her fifth birthday, that she was aware of. 

She's 23 today. 

The weather is perfect. And it's a Friday! 

So, casual work day it is. Being that Rey loves fall, she's dressed in leggings, high heel black boots and a long v neck forest green sweater, topped with a mustard yellow scarf and a crochet newsboy cap. 

Very fall-ish. 

She steps off the elevator and turns to her desk. 

There are succulents. 

One-two-three-four-five succulents. All lined up in various containers across the front edge of her desk. 

She squeals, grabbing one and holding it like one would a puppy. 

Ben watches her spin around in a circle. He's at his desk with the perfect view of her. He chuckles.

He'd wracked his brain over her birthday. 

Considered diamond stud earrings. An extravagant day at the spa. A trip somewhere with her brother. 

No, none of those were what clicked.

Besides, he'd be jealous because he wasn't on a trip with her.

He'd considered so many things. 

As he'd sat in his office one day last week, at his wit's end over it, she'd entered his office. 

"Oh look!" she exclaimed. 

"What?" he said grumbly from his desk. 

"The violets! They're blooming!" 

He was glad she couldn't see him shake his head. Of course, he wouldn't dare if she could see him. He still doesn't get it. 

"Aren't you so pretty?" she says, bending to touch the bloom. She's smiling so hard he can't help but smile at her. 

"I'll just take you back to my desk, so I can see you all day."

He chuckles lightly. She's so crazy about her plants.

That's it. 

He googles "plant of the month club" because surely that's a thing. Surely. 

Yep. It's a thing. 


"House Plant Box Club"

"Bloomin' Club"

"Organic Club"

Wait. Aren't all plants organic?

He shakes his head. 

"Sill Plant Club"

"Succulent of the Month Club"

Succulents. Aren't those the cactus looking things that are popular right now?

He clicks on it. 

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