Chapter 4

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After the incident in the deli, Ben accompanies her to lunch every day. Sometimes alone. Sometimes with her brother and Poe.

It's like he wants to make sure that nothing else happens to her.

She's glad for his company, even though she spends all day with him. She never needs a break from him.

They just click. Like they are two halves of a whole.

They talk so freely now. He explains more of his childhood and beyond. She does the same.

They lived very opposite lives growing up, him the son of a senator and her the daughter one. Yet they both had lonely childhoods. She is surprised at herself. Normally she'd be jealous of such an exuberant life, never having to worry about food or a bed to sleep in.

But actually, she realizes he was as lonely as she was.

She touched on her homelessness but when she did, he'd reacted so passionately. Angrily. It bothered her, seeing him upset so she'd backed off, speaking in broader terms, not giving details.

He couldn't handle hearing about the abuse. The neglect. The nights sleeping outside in the cold. She wanted to protect him from his emotions. It wasn't fair to upset him. He was clearly becoming very protective of her.

The feeling was amazing, having this giant of a man want to look over her.

She was so in love with him. Yet, she'd been hurt by a man before. She was afraid to trust him completely. Besides, why would he want her? He's a millionaire. He could date anyone. She's just a plain orphan girl from the streets.

So she settles for his friendship. It's enough.

They eat lunch in a new place today. An Italian restaurant she'd mentioned she would like to try.

"Did you see Marriage Story yet?" he asks with a twinkle in his eyes. He's teased her incessantly about her crush on Adam Driver since she told him about how dreamy he is.

"You aren't letting that go, are you?"

"Well, he is dreamy....."

She laughs out loud and feels her cheeks heat up.

"Stop it!"

Now he laughs, fully enjoying this.

"I bet you watched it the day it hit Netflix."

"No, actually I haven't. It's too sad. I don't think I can handle it."

"It's about marriage. What's sad about that?"

"No, Ben. It's about divorce. They divorce and it's so sad. I can't watch him be sad."

" got it bad for him...." he says with a smirk and a wink.

"Maybe I do. He's just so...." she stops talking, sighing out loud instead.

Ben makes a gagging sound and she throws her napkin at him.

"Really though?" he asks, "he's not that great looking. I don't get the ladies fawning over him."

"Have you seen him shirtless? Damn, he's cut like a knife. I mean, pecs like dinner plates and his arms....."

Ben throws his hands up. "Ugh....stop. Stop before I have to dose you in this ice water and cool you off."

She throws her head back and laughs. She loves teasing him.

"So you have an arm kink, do you?" he asks, his eyes darkening a bit.

They do this at least once a day. Flirt. She thinks he just can't help it. He's probably flirty with all the women. He certainly can get away with it, looking like he does. Luckily she can give as good as she gets.

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