Chapter 36

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Notes: Be sure to listen to the song above. Swipe to pull it up. It totally sets the mood for the chapter.

"I Miss You" by Adele

Our space babies miss each other....


Rey really did try.

She tried to sleep at home. In her own bed. Alone. No massive frame of a man to hold her all night.

She missed his arms, the way he would breath deep in his chest against her back. She even missed the little grunts he'd make in his sleep. He was like a human heater and since Rey was always cold, it was a perfect sleeping arrangement.

Ben didn't even try. He just laid there all night, staring at the ceiling, trying not to call her and beg her to come over. Not for sex, even though he knew he'd not deny himself her body. He missed her softness, the way her hair tickled his face. He missed how sometimes when he'd roll on his back, her face would wind up in his armpit. He smiles, thinking of how she has the ability to take up the entire bed, even with her tiny frame. He even misses her snoring, though when he brought that up, she bit him. Not that he minded. He thinks he may have a biting kink.

Being apart during the night lasted only three nights that first week. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday nights.

They did try. After all, they both knew there'd be very little sleeping accomplished if they were in the bed together. Like Rey said, Ben had a company to run. A company he'd been away from for a month. Like Rey said, she has more responsibilities now, as an executive.

Their relationship is still new.

That's what Rey said.

Ben didn't say much. He just pouted.

Sometime on Thursday, they argued over some business report. It started out one way and ended quite another way.

Ben wonders if anyone would think it was strange if the CEO had a pull out sofa in his office.

"See, then, we'd have a bed in here," he reasons to his girlfriend, who is completely nude sprawled on top of his equally nude body. Ben is all but hanging off the side of the sofa in his office.

She lifts her chin, propping it on his chest. He's holding her tight so she doesn't roll off.

"Better yet, we could get a blow up mattress," she says, smiling at him.

"Or a very thick rug," he tells her, now grinning, his dimples making her heart skip.

"Or….." she starts, unsure if she should finish. Then she shifts herself up so she can bury her face in his neck.

"What?" he asks, wondering why she didn't finish.

She shakes her head and he hears a sniffle. He nudges his shoulder to try to get her to look up at him.

"Hey, baby girl, what is it?"

"Nothing. I'm okay," she tells him but he knows his Rey and she's sad about something.

"Talk to me, please."

She snuggles in closer and he tries not to get distracted by her body pressed against his.

His refractory period is quite impressive.

"Just missed you the last few nights."

His large hands caress her back and hair.

"You didn't sleep. I can tell. You're always cranky when you don't sleep."

"Hey!" she leans over and bites his nipple slightly. He jumps then grips her bare ass in warning.

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