Chapter 26

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Notes: the nurse is named for my muse, Heather. She inspires me to continue to write. I love you, my Jersey friend!

For six days they sat in shifts with their beloved Rey. They took turns working her limbs, the ones that weren't broken, massaging them. They turned her over as needed. Ben would have to be calmed when he'd fight with the doctors, stubbornly insisting for answers. There were none. Her healing would take time, nothing more, nothing less. He'd shout, then apologize, then cry. Leia came, taking her shift with Rey. She was a balm for Ben, able to calm him when his brother couldn't. She was even able to get him to check his work emails. Phasma had been left in charge. Ben, Poe and Finn were simply unable to return to New York, none of them wanting to leave her side. 

It was tedious and exhausting. 

Sometimes Ben would leave her side but not for longer than a 30 minute stretch. He was beyond tired, even though he'd sleep with his head in her lap. It wasn't a deep sleep, though. Rose babied him, making him sleep on the pull out bed instead, his feet hanging off one end. She made him eat, even reminding him to brush his teeth and shower in the bathroom attached to her room. Him and Leia would fight and Rose would intervene, acting as the peacemaker she naturally is. Poe would break down on occasion and Zorii was there, engagement ring in plain view. Upon sight of it, the others were happy for them but it was all subdued in the midst of Rey's coma. 

Ben thinks he might be losing his mind. He dotes on her the best he can, brushing her hair and massaging her feet, talking to her constantly about everything from her beloved plants to the latest gossip at work. He'd hired a company to care for her green leafed babies, both in the office and back in her home. He plays her favorite music and promises to take her to their little italian restaurant when they return home. The manager is very worried, Rey being a favorite customer there. They'd promised her free cheesecake for life when she returned. 

"You'll love that, sweetheart, I know. I can hear you now, worrying about gaining weight. You'll look hot though, even if you do, sweet girl. We'll go to the gym together, if you want. That would be fun. Working out together. You'll kick my ass, I know, won't you?"

He cups her cheek, kissing her nose. He was so glad to see the ventilator removed. It hurt his heart, seeing that thing in her pretty mouth. He sees her freckles returning and counts them. 



His head pops up. She's grimacing and her eyes are squeezed shut. Her head moves. 

She's waking up. 

"Rey!" he almost shouts but catches his voice. 

She's waking up!

"Mmmm...bright…" she says, her eyes fluttering open but quickly closing, the lights hurting her eyes. 

He jumps up and turns them all off, only the sunlight peeking through the blinds softly lighting the room. 

"Rey," he whispers, taking one hand in his own, kissing her fingertips. He very gently brushes her hair back. 

"B-Ben? Wh-where? Where am I?"

"Oh, sweetheart, you're in the hospital…."

She squeezes his hand and he's so grateful for how strong the squeeze is. She's awake! She's okay! She can squeeze his hand!

"My mouth...dry…"

"Oh, hold on," he says, grabbing a cup and pouring water in. He grabs a straw, holding it to her and she gulps then coughs. 

Home is Where You AreOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora