Chapter 38

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Notes: Have y'all missed Kylo? Cause I have. Want some Kylo? Cause I do.  Here, have some Kylo!!

Why would Kylo come back around, you ask? I'll give you one guess....


Rey is once again attempting to mix work with pleasure. Ben is having none of it. 

Especially with those cute little glasses she's wearing. Why is that such a turn on for him?

She's nestled between his thighs, her back against his chest, trying to read her emails. 

"You never replied back to me on the request for updated modems...Ben...Ben..

I need an answer…."

His face is buried inside the curtain of hair above the back of her neck. Light kisses accompany the nudges from his nose as he breathes her in. 

"Oh, I'm answering something alright just not whatever you are talking about…."

She leans her head to the left to try to get him to stop and pay attention. 

"Ben! Listen, this is important…."

"Oh look, a freckle I haven't kissed. That's important. It's probably jealous…."

His plush, sinful lips caress her shoulder and her eyes roll back into her head. 

"When...ugh...Ben..when are you…"

Then she hisses as he bites down.

"Hmmmm? What were you saying, Rey?"

Just as she tries to speak, his hands encircle her waist and he licks a trail to behind her ear. She involuntarily wiggles her rear against him and he smiles and chuckles. The deep sound in his chest vibrates against her back. 

She resolves herself to finishing checking her emails. She hasn't checked in two whole days. That's just irresponsible. 

As she scrolls, he teases. His hands slide under her t-shirt. Well, technically it's his t-shirt but he likes it better on her. 

Now it's a game, her pretending to care about emails and him determined to get between her legs. She doesn't mind losing but he's going to work for her attention. 

She continues to read but not really. Soon he plucks her phone out of her hand and sits it on the nightstand. It's her nightstand now, basically, since she sleeps in his bed every night. 

His hands slide up under her shirt to her breasts and he massages them fully. 

"Right now, my job is to fully repay these beautiful breasts for all the neglect they've suffered…"

She moans as he circles each nipple with his thumbs. 

"Repay? Not like you've neglected them, Solo…"

"Nope and any man who did was stupid as fuck…"

Ben had been mind boggled at the thought of her ex telling her to get a boob job. How does one improve on perfection? Rey is extremely sensitive there and Ben loves it. 

Her reaction to his hands and mouth is one of his favorite hobbies now. Besides, Ben gets pissed every time he even thinks about the fucker telling Rey to have major surgery just to please him. 

Hux was a fool but thank God he was.

After making love, they lay together face to face, her cheek resting on his bicep. They don't have words. So many hours, days, weeks, months spent together, neither one knowing how the other felt. Now they are open, literally bare to each other. 

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