Chapter 23

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"Let's get out of here…." he tells her, his mouth only an inch from hers. 

She's not exactly sure what he means. It sounds a little seductive

"What-what do you mean, Ben?"

He smiles that bright, crooked teeth, eyes sparkling smile that only she gets to see. She has wondered why, with all the money he has, he's never straightened his teeth. She's so very glad he hasn't. It makes him charming, imperfect. She loves his imperfect perfection. Because to her, he's perfect in almost every way, especially his looks. The crooked teeth, the large ears, the moles on his face, that's Ben and she'd never change anything about him. She's actually heard it said that he's unattractive. That boggles her mind. Because to her, he's the sexiest man she's ever seen. 

"I mean," he continues, "if I don't get to see you on Christmas, tonight has to be our Christmas."

Oh. So he didn't mean it that way. She sighs a little, partly disappointed but also struck by his romanticism. Ben doesn't try to be romantic. He just is. 

"You wanted Christmas with me?"

"Rey, I want everything with you."


"Let's go...please"

"But it's the big company party and you're the CEO."

He nods towards the bar where everyone is gathered. 

"They will be so drunk soon, believe me, I won't be missed."

"Aren't you afraid of what they will think if we leave together?"

"Only if you are."

"I couldn't care less."

He laughs deep in his chest and lays his forehead against hers. 

"You look like the galaxy in that dress, Rey."

"And you look unbelievably handsome in that tux."

They walk out hand in hand, unaware of those watching them. Those who wonder if they realize how beautiful they look together. They truly look made for each other. 

Right before arriving at the front door, Ben pauses, turning to look down at her. 

"Your coat, we forgot your coat," he says, concerned about the cold. The snow is falling lightly and, while beautiful, it's too cold for her in her backless gown. 

"I didn't wear one," she responds. 

"Rey! It's freezing outside, why didn't you bring a coat?"

She blushes, embarrassed. 

"You've seen my coat, Ben. I didn't want to wear it over this dress. It's too old."

He sighs. Of course. It was a horrible looking thing. He'd never brought it up to her because he thought she liked it. He hated the thing though. He'd overheard her tell Rose that she bought it at Goodwill. She'd said it was warm though so that's what mattered. But still, she deserved better. 

He shrugs off his own jacket, wrapping it around her and buttoning it. She tried to push it away. 

"Ben, you'll be cold."

"Rey," he says, fumbling with the collar to close it around her and try to keep her warm, "you know I never get cold. Now. Better?"

"Yeah," she says, pulling it tighter around her, loving the scent of him in the jacket, "thank you."

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