Chapter 3

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It makes her angry.

Just so damn angry.

How they criticize him, disrespect him. How they judge him. Make fun of him.

She overhears it.

"He's just so damn difficult. A pain in the ass. He thinks he's so perfect. Did you see his new suit? I bet it costs thousands. Doesn't help him a bit though. He's so... awkward. Not attractive at all. I bet he thinks he's God's gift to women though."

The others laugh.

"I don't ever see him with a woman. He's just, ugly. You'd think he'd have those damn moles removed. They aren't attractive. And his ears! He's like...a millionaire! Get them fixed, dude. Well, he may be rich as fuck but at least he's rich and ugly."

Rey is almost in tears. They are talking about her boss. The man who gave her a job even though she wasn't qualified. The man who overlooks her mistakes and never gets angry with her. The man who she just knows has been hurt, by whom she hasn't figured out. The man who takes good care of his employees. He'd brought the company back from bankruptcy, for Christ's sake. Made sure they all kept their jobs.

Sure he is moody. He does seem to have a bad temper but he really has to be pushed to show it.

Usually, if he writes someone up, he's given them a chance to correct themselves.

He's stern but he's not cruel.

And ugly? No. Mr. Solo is not ugly.

He's beautiful.

He's not the typical view of handsome, no, but he's definitely handsome. He's like the classic Greek god statues she's seen in the museum's around New York. Classic. Regal.

And those are not moles! They are beauty marks! She's pretty sure she's counted each one. It makes him unique.

So do his ears. She thinks they are adorable. He's constantly trying to cover them. It's like his second full time job. Running his hand through his hair obsessively, making sure they are covered.

And his hair. Good God, his hair.

She won't listen to this. She won't. She won't abide by it. He's too good to them. If they were in trouble with him, they deserved it.

After another bout of laughter comes from the booth over from her, she's had enough.

She stands. They had not seen her next to them because of the tall separator between each booth.

Her sudden appearance throws them off.

"How dare you. How dare you make fun of him? He is a good boss. If he called you out, you deserved it. He made sure you kept your jobs. He takes good care of all of us!"

They look shocked and a bit afraid. Rey was usually so sweet. So quiet. They were probably also afraid that she'd tell Ben what they were saying.

She looks around at the table. Mostly men. She'd not heard the women speak or laugh so she'd give them the benefit of the doubt. Maybe they were too afraid to speak up.

But she wasn't afraid.

"You bunch of losers have some nerve calling him ugly. None of you can even get a date! He could squash you like a bug!"

One of them smirks.

"Oh, look, little Miss Secretary has a crush. I'd say he's probably bending you over but he's not man enough for that. Solo can't even look you in the eye, from what I can tell. But if you want a real man…."

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