Chapter 1 Rise and Shine

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It was early in the morning. The sun barley rose. I was still so tired. My head rested against the windshield. My head bang against the window. I groaned. The Car went over severely potholes. I was in my Manger's Van. Along with other fellow Co-Workers that Practiced the Guitar with me when it was time for Gigs. My head hit the windshield again. I sighed. I sat upward, and rubbed my throbbing head. I glared at the window. We were in the city. We were heading back to the Studio. We stayed in a hotel last night and had to leave early to get back to practicing. I wasn't in a band or anything our agency is more like rejects that don't get to be in bands, so we help out bands that need more guitar players or such. Pretty lame but it pays good money. We all range from different styles of music. I play more heavy stuff, while others make beats or do background music or country.

We reached the Studio. My Manger got out the van and open the door to let all of us out. The Sun was finally up. It beamed in my eyes, there were no clouds in sight. My Manger was a cool guy. Wore a tie and shirt, and wore red sunglasses and had slick black hair and was pretty tall. "Luna, immediately when you get in the studio start practicing". I nodded my head. "Yes Sir". I rushed inside. I went into the practice room. I took off my guitar off my back that was strapped around me. I had a red Fender Stander Stratocaster. My dad got me the little bad boy for Christmas.

I started practicing with my co worker Jamie. He played the Drums. So we made a little beat and just went with the flow of it. Our Manger knocked on the Door. "Yes Mr. Elizer?" I said. Jamie and I stopped playing. Elizer had a big smile on his face. I raised an eyebrow and looked at Jamie. He shrugged his shoulders. "Luna let's Talk in my office" he said. I shrugged. I waved bye to Jamie, Who continued practicing.

Elizer and I walked to his office. I never noticed on how big the studio was. The hallway felt endless. We walked by so many rooms of people practicing, and making songs. We reach his office, and walked inside, I closed the door behind us. He had a huge window in his room and albums and old pictures of past members of the agency.

There was Two red sofa style chairs infront of his desk. He went behind his desk. He was so excited to tell me something. I sat down in the red chair infront of him. "So what is it Mr?" "Well I just got off the phone with a good friend of mines and unfortunately his guitar player broke his arm, so he wont be able to play for tomorrow's Gig, and I thought you would be perfect" "uh huh" "So will you do it" I thought for a moment. "Eh why not". "Great, Ill call my friend back right away" "But whos the band im gonna be playing for?" I question


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