Chapter 6 Out and about

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I waited outside, my skin felt so cold against the wind. I shivered a bit. I heard engines roaring coming closer and closer to me. "That must be the girls" I muttered. They honked the horn. It was a silver Honda civic, it was a 2013 car. "Get in" said Nasha. I got in the back seat with Audri. "Afternoon Luna" smiled Audri. "Afternoon" I smiled back. "So what ya'll gonna get at the mall?" asked Jade. "I need to get a new phone case" said Nasha. "We're also going there just to hangout, we can go to the arcade and Groovies" said Audri. "Sounds good" I nodded.

At the mall it was loud ad crowded as usual. I was wearing my black skinneys with a tee shirt and my black hoodie tied around my waist. Jade she was wearing an over sized grey sweat shirt with leggings. Audri had a snapback on with a hoodie and jeans. Nasha well was wearing shorts and a teeshirt and a hoodie. We all looked basic, which was nothing major. I looked around the mall. "Where are you getting your phone case from?" I asked Nasha. "I don't know yet, what ever is cheap and cute at the same time" she answered. Jade began to hold her stomach. And pointed to her mouth. "I'm Hungry". "Alright, Let's head to the food court then" Audri suggested. "Great, Lets go to Groo---" My Sentence got cut off. I felt myself hit into someone "Ow" they groaned. "Oh my god, I am so sorry" I had my head down. I felt so embarrassed. Laughter began to fill my ears. That Laugh the tone of it was so familiar. "No need to say sorry Lun-ar" When I lifted my head up from grief my sight once again met those grey eyes, and that jet black hair. I stepped back, "Shut Uuu-p" i stuttered. "Awe cat's got your tongue now" he teased. "No-o" I looked the other way embarrassed even more. The girls stopped talking and realized who i bumped into. "Oh look at that it's Kris and Jake" said Nasha. I looked back at them, I didn't even realize Jake was there. It was like he just appeared. "Hi Girls, Hi Luna" Jake said as he fixed his Black shades. Why does he always have them on what was he i wondered. I cleared my throat, "Sorry.. Hi Kris, Hi Jake, What brings you here. "Well it's about time you asked" he smiled. "We're just hanging out bout to but like 5 amps." Aren't those pretty expensive I thought. Jake tilts his head in confusion. "Kris you said we were going to go visit Andre at Groovies". "Sh..., Jake I was trying to sound cool, they don't need to know our business" He explained. "But isn't Luna and her friends our friends also" Jake asked even more confused. I raised an eye brow. "Yea Kris" I said " Besides were all kinda of hungry especially Jade we were going to Groovies anyway." "Then let's Just all go together" suggest Nasha. we all nodded our head. "Alright".

Groovies kinda of reminded me of an old school dinner or somthing kinda of like how the ice cream shop Friendly's is but even more retro. We walked in to the place. It was spotless. There was freshly clean counters and floors, even the seats were clean. I saw a guy slumped over a mop and pail against the wall. "Andre" spoke Kris. We all looked around. "Where is he" said Jade. Nasha's eyebrow rose. She began walking over to the guy slumped over. Looked like he was out of it. "Andre" she said softly. Like she was an angel telling everything all right. She got really close to him. So his eyes would only see her face and not the floor. In a instant he Jumped. "OMG Nasha" he shouted. He began to fall back wards and tripped over just missing the bucket of water, Nearly getting his foot movement back together. He calmed down and scratched his head. "Hi-i Nasha, what brings you here he smiled nervously. Nasha pointed at Us. "Yo" Kris waved. Andre nodded his head in understandment. He brushed him self off and got himself together. We all sat down at a booth and Andre brought another seat for himself to sit on. "You girls hungry?" he asked. "Yea I'm straving" Jade held to her stomach. We laughed. "Pizza and milkshakes then?" I looked around for an answer. The girl's nodded there head. "Size? Flavor? Kind of Pizza?" he asked. "2 mangos and 2 strawberry all 4 a medium" Nasha smiled. "For the Pizza half cheese and Peperoni" said Jade as she looked at Audri in agreement. She smiled and nodded. "Got it, And Guys I'll get are usually" he smirked. "K" said Kris. Jake nodded. I watched Andre leave out the room. And My eyes wondered to Kris. "So do you have a side job too" I smiled deviously. He smirked, "Maybe, why are you going to visit me too" he stuck his tongue out. "Maybe or Maybe not depends" "Oh really" "Yup, but then again maybe I won't come" "Sure you wont, and who even said I'll tell you" "You will eventually" We began to laugh. A grin appeared on Nasha's Face. "So how's the flirting season going" Jade started giggling. I felt my face getting hot again. "Oh do I see blushing" Nasha giggles. "Shut up, you dont see shit" I pouted. Everyone began laughing.

Later our food came. We all had our food and so did the boys. The guys had chili dogs and Jake had coffee ice cream. "Jake why you eating ice cream without eating some regular food?" I asked. "I like the taste of it so I wanted it" he smiled. "Coffee flavored stuff is pretty good" Jade Grinned. In the corner of my eye I saw Kris cletch his head. "You okay" I asked. "oh um I'm fine, Just a little dizzy" he said softly. I looked down at his food he didnt even touch it. Hmm. I thought for a moment...... He must be hungry for blood. I grabbed his hand and he looked up at me. I smiled. "Come on" I whispered. We left out of the groups sight. Thank god they were too busy laughing and talking to realize we're gone. I looked around. Thank you jesus its just us at Groovies today. I looked for the bathroom and dragged him inside. "Why are we in here" he asked. I glared at him like he know damn well why I brought him in here. "You're Hungry". "But I was eating the food" He exclaimed. I raised and eyebrow. "Oh so a biteless chilidog is eating?, what are you really hungry for.." He looked down at the floor. "Blood..." he acted like he a little boy who just wet the bed. "Hey it's fine, not your fault" I smiled at him. I looked at my necklace and checked the sharp ness of my cresent moon. I put down my shirt to only show my shoulder blade. I felt on my shoulder for a soft spot and began cutting it. I jumped a little. It stinged. I could feel the blood coming out slowly and slowler. "Drink". His eyes looked at me with such a alluring aura. "I'm really sorry Luna". A little frown appeared on his face. I smiled and my hand held his face. "Cheer up, I'll just be your personal blood bank from now on" He smiled. "Now get drinking". I felt his soft lips touch my skin. I felt his wet tongue trace over the wound. As he suck every blood drop coming out.

Kris P.O.V

This sweet blood filled my mouth, warm yet special some how. The blood was like nothing I ever tasted before. It was filling my hungry, like it was over powering it. I began pulling Luna in closer. Wrapping my arms around her. I could feel her body tempture rising. She began holding onto my shoulders. I could probably hold her like this forever. I realeased my lips from her cut. Instantly it began healing. Weird she's not a vampire so why? What is she I thought.

My P.O.V

I looked up at him and I felt my face burning up. Kris was so alluring to look at his grey eyes seemed like that had me captured. He smiled at me. "Thanks Luna" "Uhhhh OH yah You're Welcome" I said. He let go of me. "We should proparly head back to the others" He nodded his head "Yea". I fixed my shirt and we left out the bathroom. Kris follwed bemind me. I looked around to make sure no one else came in and saw where we just came from. When we came back to the table. Everyone was still talking and laughing thank god. We sat down, So where were you two" smirked Nasha.

"Uh, I went to the bathroom I had to go pee, and Kris went to go get some napkins and the drop them on the floor" I answered. Kris nodded. "Dont lie" laughed Nasha. "Yea ya'll were all kissy kissy" Jade made kiss noises with her lips. "Not even" I pouted. We all started laughing. We later finished our food. There was only a few days left of summer, until school started. It was nice to get out the house today. "Oh yea by the way girl's The guys will be going to are school starting August 31st" I smiled. "WHATTT!!!"

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